周丽华 教授

作者: 时间:2019-01-11 点击数:


周丽华 Lihua Zhou 教授




联系方式电子邮箱:qhzhoulh@gdut.edu.cn;电话:+86 15013248198



















  1. 国家自然科学面上项目:水稻土天然生物电流驱动重金属镉迁移转化的效应与机制(21876032)[66万,2019.01-2022.12,主持]

  2. 广州市科技计划项目:基于石墨烯基铁氧化物双功能电极的微生物燃料电池污水处理技术研究(201707010250)[20 万,2017.05-2019.05, 主持]

  3. 国家自然科学青年基金:基于生物质谱的土壤铁还原菌膜蛋白质组学研究(41301264)[25万,2014.01-2016.12,主持]

  4. 广东省自然科学基金:喹啉新基体的构建及其在鼠脑磷脂质谱影像中的应用研究(S2011010004991)[5万,2011.10-2013.10,主持]

  5. 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目:基于喹啉结构新基体体系的构建及其高效分析DNA的研究(LYM10068 ),[3万,2010.12-2012.12,主持]


  6. Zhou Lihua ,Wang yi, Sun Lihua, Tan bin, Luo Xiaoshan, Yuanyong*. Magnet-assisted rapid and controllable construction of an electroactive biofilm for microbial current generation. Journal of Power Sources 403 97-102 2018 (SCI, IF= 6.945 1)

  7. Cai Xixi, Zhou Lihua*, Tan Bin, Yang Chunli, Sun Lihua, Wang Yi, Zhou Shungui, Pu Shengyan*, Yuanyong*. Heteroatom-doped carbon nanospheres derivedfrom cuttlefish ink: A bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and evolution[J]. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42, 17708-17717, 2018 (SCI, IF= 4.2292)

  8. Zhou Lihua, Yang Chunli, Wen Jin, Fu Peng, Zhang Yaping, Sun Jian, Wang Huaqian , Yuan Yong *. Soft-template assisted synthesis of Fe/N-doped hollow carbon nanospheres as advanced electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5,19343-19350, 2017 (SCI, IF=9.9311).

  9. Zhou Lihua, Sun Lihua, Fu Peng, Yang Chunli, Yuan Yong *. Carbon nanoparticles of Chinese ink-wrapped natural loofah sponge: a low-cost three-dimensional electrode for high-performance microbial energy harvesting[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5,14741-14747, 2017 (SCI, IF=9.9311).

  10. Sun Lihua, Zhou Lihua* , Yang Chunli, Yuan Yong*. CeO2 nanoparticle-decorated reduced graphene oxide as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions [J]. International journal of hydrogen energy, 42, 15140-15148, 2017(SCI, IF= 4.2292)

  11. Fu Peng, Zhou Lihua,* Sun Lihua, Huang Baohua, Yuan Yong*. Nitrogen-doped porous activated carbon derived from cocoon silk as a highly efficient metal-free electrocatalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction[J]. RSC Advances, 713383-133892017 (SCI, IF=2.9363)

  12. Zhou Lihua, Fu Peng, Wang Yueqiang, Sun Lihua, Yuan Yong*. Microbe-engaged synthesis of carbon dots-decorated reduced 1 graphene oxide as high-performance oxygen reduction catalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 47222-72292016 (SCI, IF=9.9311)

  13. Zhou Lihua, Fu Peng, Cai Xixi, Zhou Shungui, Yuan Yong*. Naturally derived carbon nanofibers as sustainable electrocatalystsfor microbial energy harvesting: A new application of spider silk. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 188, 31–38, 2016 (SCI, IF=11.689 1)

  14. Zhou Lihua, Fu Peng, Weng Dehuang, Yuan Yong*., Zhou Shungui Self-constructed carbon nanoparticles-coated porous biocarbon from plant moss as advanced oxygen reduction catalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 181, 635–643, 2016 (SCI, IF=11.6891)

  15. Zhong Shengkui., Zhou Lihua*, Wu Ling, Tang Lianfeng, He Qiyi, Ahmed Jala*.Nitrogen- and boron-co-doped coreeshell carbon nanoparticles as efficient metal-free catalysts for oxygen reduction reactions in microbial fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 272344-3502014 (SCI, IF= 6.945 1)

  16. Shanta Selina Rahman., Zhou Lihua(共同第一作者), Park Youngseung, Kim Younghwan, Kim Youngjun, Kim Kwangpro*, Binary matrix for MALDI imaging mass spectrometry of phospholipids in both ion modes, Analytical Chemistry, 83(4) , 1252-1259, 2011 (SCI, IF= 6.042 1)

  17. Zhou Lihua, Kang Gumyong, Kim Kwangpyo*. A binary matrix for improved detection of phosphopeptides in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23 (15) , 2264-2272, 2009 (SCI, IF= 1.973)

  18. Zhou Lihua, Deng Huimin*, Deng Qinying, Zheng Liping, Cao Yong. Analysis of three different types of fullerene derivatives by laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry with new matrices, Rapid communication in mass spectrometry, 19 (23) , 3523-3530, 2005 (SCI, IF= 1.973 )

  19. Zhou Lihua, Deng Huimin*, Deng Qinying, Zhao Shankai., A mixed matrix of 3-hydroxypicolinic acid and pyazinecarboxylic acid for matrix-assistedlaserdesorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry of oligodeoxynucleotides, Rapid communication in mass spectrometry, 18(7) ,787-794, 2004(SCI, IF= 1.973)



  1. 周丽华,杨春丽,丁金龙,袁勇.水溶性荧光碳量子点作为色素稳定性的应用、色素稳定剂和提高火龙果红色素稳定性的方法 发明专利申请号:201811056648.5

  2. 周丽华,杨春丽,张宝方,袁勇.一种银碳量子点复合物及其制备方法和应用。发明专利申请号:201810680934.2

  3. 周丽华,杨春丽,易丽秋,陈进威,张宝方,袁勇.银掺杂荧光碳量子点、其制备方法与胆固醇检测方法。发明专利申请号:201810052606.8

  4. 周丽华,杨春丽,庞雯霞,沈朱业,张宝方,袁勇. 一种水溶性荧光碳量子点及其制备方法以及一种检测果糖的方法.发明专利申请号:201711213289.5

  5. 周丽华,傅鹏,杨春丽,袁勇.一种空心结构碳纳米颗粒的制备方法及微生物燃料电池。发明专利申请号:201710368006.8




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