
作者: 时间:2024-03-19 点击数:

姓名(加全拼):宋伟 SONG WEI





1. 绿色低碳新污染物治理技术开发

2. 饮用水/污水化学氧化深度处理

3. 重金属废水处理


宋伟,男,工学博士,现为广东工业大学特聘副教授(青年百人A)。本硕博均毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,主要研究方向为水环境新污染物绿色低碳处理技术开发。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后面上基金项目;参与多项横纵向项目,包括国家科技重大专项子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目和水环境治理相关工程实践类横向课题。受聘担任工程技术领域SCI期刊Journal of Water Process EngineeringQ1IF=7.0)青年编委、SCI期刊MembranesQ2IF=4.2)客座主编以及10余本高水平国际期刊审稿人;近五年以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文17篇(一作13篇,通讯4篇);2023年获“全国创新创业优秀博士后”称号。







Ø 2016.09-2021.01 哈尔滨工业大学环境科学与工程专业 工学博士

Ø 2014.09-2016.07 哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业 工学硕士

Ø 2010.09-2014.07 哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业 工学学士


Ø 2023年至今,受邀担任工程技术领域SCI期刊Journal of Water Process Engineering青年编委;

Ø 工程技术领域SCI期刊MembranesIF=4.2)客座编辑

Ø Science of the Total EnvironmentEnvironmental PollutionEnvironmental ResearchJournal of Water Process EngineeringJournal of Environmental Chemical Engineering等行业内主流SCI期刊审稿人


Ø 2023.07至今 广东工业大学土木与交通工程学院 青年百人

Ø 2021.072023.07 广东工业大学土木与交通工程学院 青百博士后


Ø 2023 全国创新创业优秀博士后

Ø 2023 第二届全国博士后创新创业大赛揭榜领题赛优胜奖

Ø 2023.12 第五届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛,优秀指导教师奖

Ø 2023 广东省市政行业协会科学技术奖一等奖(技术开发)(7/15

Ø 2019.11 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金


Ø 2023.12 “南方泵业杯”第七届全国泵与泵站课程知识竞赛,一等奖

Ø 2023.12 第五届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛华南赛区,化验赛三等奖

Ø 2022.12 第四届全国大学生市政环境类创新实践能力大赛华南赛区,虚拟赛三等奖


Ø 本科生:《水文学》、《建筑给水排水工程》、《环境保护与可持续发展》、《城市市政工程规划》

Ø 研究生:《现代检测技术》


1. 第一作者, (2024). Enhanced electrooxidation/electrocoagulation-ultrafiltration membrane process with S2O42- for saline algae-containing surface water treatment: Purification and membrane performance. Environmental Pollution, 345, 123423.(中科院二区,8.9TOP

2. 通讯作者, (2024). Gravity driven membrane bioreactor simulates the effect of permeable brick on pollution reduction of rainwater runoff in Low Impact Development (LID). Journal of Water Process Engineering, 58, 104881.(中科院二区,7.0

3. 通讯作者, (2023). Salt tide affecting algae-laden micropolluted surface water treatment and membrane performance based on BDD electro-oxidation coupled with ceramic membrane process. Environmental Research, 237, 116942.(中科院二区,8.3TOP

4. 通讯作者, (2023). Flux Improvement and Biofilm Performance of an Oblique Gravity-Driven Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Electrocoagulation for Roofing Rainwater Purification. ACS EST Engineering. 2023, 3, 11, 18131825 IF=7.1

5. 第一作者, (2023). Single and combined toxicity assessment of primary or UV-aged microplastics and adsorbed organic pollutants on microalga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Environmental Pollution, 318, 120925.(中科院二区,8.9TOP

6. 第一作者, (2023). Enhanced degradation performance and mechanisms of decabromodiphenylether in homogeneous system of Fe3+ activated dithionite. Journal of Cleaner Production, 384, 135597.(中科院一区,11.1TOP

7. 第一作者, (2023). Performance and mechanisms for tetrabromobisphenol A efficient degradation in a novel homogeneous advanced treatment based on S2O42 activated by Fe3+. Environmental Pollution, 316, 120579.(中科院二区,8.9TOP

8. 通讯作者, (2023). New insights into the degradation and detoxification of methylene blue using heterogeneous-Fenton catalyzed by sustainable siderite. Environmental Research, 216(Part 4), 114819.(中科院二区,8.3TOP

9. 第一作者, (2023). Accelerate sulfamethoxazole degradation and detoxification by persulfate mediated with Fe2+&dithionite: Experiments and DFT calculation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 129254(中科院一区,13.6TOP

10. 第一作者, (2022). A feasible approach for azo-dye methyl orange degradation in siderite/H2O2 assisted by persulfate: Optimization using response surface methodology and pathway. Journal of Environmental Management, 308, 114397.(中科院一区,8.7TOP

11. 第一作者, (2022). Low consumption and portable technology for dithionite detection based on potassium ferricyanide differential spectrophotometry method in related advanced oxidation processes. Environmental Research, 205, 112430.(中科院二区,8.3TOP

12. 第一作者, (2021). Algae-containing raw water treatment and by-products control based on ClO2 preoxidation-assisted coagulation/precipitation process. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 44(11), 3837-3851. (中科院三区,4.2

13. 第一作者, (2020). Establishment of sulfate radical advanced oxidation process based on Fe2+/O2/dithionite for organic contaminants degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 410, 128204.(中科院一区,15.1TOP

14. 第一作者, (2020). Degradation of bisphenol A by persulfate coupled with dithionite: Optimization using response surface methodology and pathway. Science of the Total Environment, 699, 134258.(中科院一区,9.8TOP

15. 第一作者, (2019). Kinetics and pathway of atrazine degradation by a novel method: Persulfate coupled with dithionite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 373: 803-813.(中科院一区,15.1TOP

16. 第一作者, (2019). A mini review of activated methods to persulfate-based advanced oxidation process. Water Science and Technology, 79(3): 573-579. (中科院四区,2.7

17. 第一作者, (2018). Removal of ferrous from the wastewater with high-concentration heavy metal by induced crystallization. Desalination and Water Treatment, 116: 129-136.(中科院四区,1.1


1. 宋伟,王卓悦. 一种去除水中有机物的方法:ZL201910541979.6. 2022-04-22.(发明专利,已授权)

2. 李继,宋伟. 一种含Fe3+重金属废水的处理方法:ZL201610543580.8. 2016-10-26.(发明专利已授权)

3. 李继,宋伟. 一种芬顿组合工艺处理废水的方法:ZL201610537949.4. 2016-10-26.(发明专利,已授权)


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No52200088),2023.012025.12,在研,主持

2. 广东工业大学青年百人计划科研启动(No. 263113906),2023.07-2028.07,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No52270063),2023.012026.12, 在研,参与

4. 中国博士后科学面上项目(No2022M720841),2022.072023.07,结题,主持



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