
作者: 时间:2015-10-25 点击数:


1. 教育经历:


1985.9-1988.6 :硕士,西安交通大学,机电控制专业

1981.9-1985.6 :学士,西安交通大学,液压控制专业

2. 工作经历:

1998.8-至今   :广东工业大学机电工程学院

1994.1-1998.7 :汕头大学工学院机电工程系



3. 研究方向:

1. 定制型生产制造系统的设计规划方法:智能车间的资源配置方法、布局优化方法;

2. 定制型生产制造系统的运作控制方法:需求及能力计划、反应式调度、协同监控。

3. 智能/数字化制造系统:ERP、MES、APS等。

4. 获奖情况:



5. 学术兼职

[1] 《工业工程》杂志主编;

[2] 全国工业工程协会常务理事;

[3] 国家自然科学基金会通讯评议专家

6. 主持的主要项目:





[5]国家自然科学基金面上项目,50675039,具有前摄与反应复合控制机制的随机模具制造系统研究。 2007.01-2009.12。按期结题。





7. 代表性论文:

1. Zhang, H., Xi, S., Chen, Q., Smith, J. M., Mao, N. and Li, X., Performance Analysis of a Flexible Flow Shop with Random and State Dependent Batch Transport. International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1712488, 2020.

2. Xi, S., Chen, Q., Smith, J. M., Mao, N., Yu, A., Zhang, H., A New Method for Solving Buffer Allocation Problem in Large Unbalanced Production Lines. International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1685709, 2019.

3. Lai, X., Zhang, Q., Chen, Q., Huang, Y., Mao, N. and Liu, J., The Analytics of Product Design Requirements Using Dynamic Internet Data Application to Chinese Smartphone Market. International Journal of Production Research, 57(18): 5660-5684. 2019.

4. Leng, J., Chen, Q., Mao, N., Jiang, P., Combining Granular Computing Technique with Deep Learning for Service Planning under Social Manufacturing Contexts. Knowledge-Based Systems, 143(2): 295-306. 2018.

5. Zhang, H., Chen, Q., Smith, J. M., Mao, N., Yu, A., Li., Z., Performance Analysis of Open General Queuing Networks with Blocking and Feedback. International Journal of Production Research, 55(19): 5760-5781. 2017.

6. Huang, J.D., Liu, J.J., Chen, Q.X. and Mao, N., Minimizing Make-span in a Two Stage Flow Shop with Parallel Batch Processing Machines and Re-entrant Jobs. Engineering Optimization, 49(6): 1010-1023. 2017.

7. Zhang, H., Chen, Q., Mao, N., System Performance Analysis of Flexible Flow Shop with Match Processing Constraint. International Journal of Production Research, 54(6): 6052-6070. 2016.

8. Liu, J.J., Li, Z.T., Chen, Q.X. and Mao, N., Controlling Delivery and Energy Performance of Parallel Batch Processors in Dynamic Mould Manufacturing. Computers & Operations Research, 66(2): 116–129. 2016.

9. Li, Zhan-tao, Liu, Jianjun, Chen, Qing-xin, Mao, Ning, Wang, Xiaoming. Approximation Algorithms for the Three-stage Flexible Flow Shop Problem with Mid Group Constraint. Expert Systems with Applications, 42(7): 3571-3584. 2015.

10. Wang, X., Chen, Q., Mao, N., Chen, X., Li, Z., Proactive Approach for RCMPSP Based on Multi-priority Rule Combinations. International Journal of Production Research, 53(4): 1098-1110. 2015.

11. Li, Z., Chen, Q., Mao, N., Wang, X., Liu, J., Scheduling Rules for Two-stage Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Subject to Tail Group Constraint. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(12): 667-678. 2013.

12. Liu, J.J., Chen, Q.X., Mao, N. and Chen, X.D., Bi-objective Dynamic Control Batch Processor with Non-identical Jobs in Mould Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 51(6): 1820-1835. 2013.

13. Liu, J.J., Lin, Z.A., Chen, Q.X., Mao, N. and Chen, X.D.,A Decision Support to Assign Mould Due Date at Customer Enquiry Stage in Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Environment. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 26(6): 571-582. 2013.

14. Li, Z., Chen, Q., Mao, N., A Heuristic Algorithm for Two-stage Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Head Group Constraint. International Journal of Production Research, 51(3): 751-771. 2013.

15. Wang, Z., Qu, T., Chen, Q., Luo, H., Mao, N., Resource Model and Service Match Algorithm for Mould Manufacturing Grid. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 25(11): 1011-1028. 2012.

16. Liu, J.J. Chen, Q.X. Mao, N. and Lin, Z. A. A Multi-agent-based Mould Due Date Setting Approach in Stochastic Production. International Journal of Production Research, 49(5): 1353-1371. 2011.

17. Chen, Q.X., Chen, X. and Lee, W.B. Qualitative Search Algorithms for Partner Selection & Task Allocation in the Formulation of Virtual Enterprises. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 20 (2-3), 115-126. 2007.

18. Chen, Q.X. and Mao, N., Modeling Manufacturing Process for Quality Feedback in the Environment of Concurrent Engineering. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 17(1): 29-44. 2004.

19. Chen, Q. X. and Wan, B.W., A new approach to estimate a steady state model of an industrial process. International Journal of Systems Science. 30(10): 1073-1091. 1999.

20. Chen, Q. X. and Wan, B.W., Steady-State Identification for Large-scale Industrial Process by Means of Dynamic Models. International Journal of Systems Science. 25(5): 1079-1101. 1995.

21. Chen, Q. X. and Wan, B.W., Asymptotic Normality Analysis of the Estimation Errors of Steady-State Model of Industrial Process. International Journal of Systems Science. 23(11): 2003-2023. 1992.






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Email: qxchen@gdut.edu.cn

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