高 伟 教授

高伟,男,工学博士,教授,博士/硕士研究生导师。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金、省教育厅优秀青年项目、科研启动基金等,在CMAME、Composite Structure、Computers and Geotechnics等著名期刊发表论文近40篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇(中科院TOP期刊论文10余篇),获得发明专利授权4项。担任国家自然科学和省自然科学基金通讯评审专家,担任Materials等SCI期刊Topic Editor和Guest Editor,荣获校“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号,连续四年荣获学院“优秀创新成果奖”,担任《机械科学与技术》青年编委。
2017.10 – 至今 广东工业大学,车辆工程,副教授、教授、硕士/博士研究生导师
2019.09 - 2020.09 东京大学,工学院,访问学者,合作教授Koshizuka Seiichi
2013.07 - 2017.10 湘潭大学,机械工程,讲师、副教授、硕士研究生导师
2008.09 - 2013.06 华南理工大学,车辆工程,博士学位(硕博连读)
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于复杂形状离散元/有限元的砂卵地层盾构仿真方法与实验研究”(51878184) 2019-2022,主持.
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“基于离散元/有限元耦合的高压辊磨粉碎仿真方法与实验研究”(51404209) 2015-2017,主持.
(3) 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目, “基于DEM/FEM的汽车夹层玻璃冲击破坏特性研究”(16B259),2016-2019, 主持.
(4) 广东工业大学青年教师种子基金,“基于DEM/FEM的砂卵石地层盾构刀具失效机理仿真方法基础研究”, 2017-2019, 主持.
(5) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“不确定条件下脆性材料离散元模型参量的计算反求方法研究”(11602212),2017-2019, 参与, 第2.
(6) 广东工业大学校智慧医疗创新中心,“人车碰撞事故再现与头、颈损伤研究”(ZYZX22026) 2022-2023,主持.
(7) 企业项目,振动筛结构有限元分析,2022-2022,主持.
(8) 企业项目,立体库堆垛机设计与开发, 2023-2023, 主持.
(9) 企业项目,POT便携式光学硬度测试仪设计与开发, 2023-2024, 主持.
(1) Gao Wei*, Matsunaga Takuya, Duan Guangtao, Koshizuka Seiichi. A coupled 3D isogeometric/least-square MPS approach for modeling fluid-structure interactions, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021, 373: 113538. (SCI/EI, IF 6.756, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊,领域顶刊)
(2) Gao Wei*, Wang Jiawen, Yin Shuohui, Feng YT. A coupled 3D isogeometric and discrete element approach for modelling interactions between structures and granular matters, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 354: 441-463. (SCI/EI, IF 5.763, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊,领域顶刊)
(3) Gao Wei*, Wang Jiawen, He Xiaoqiang, et al. Modeling the mechanical behavior of a helmeted headform impacted with a laminated windshield with consideration of composite failure[J]. Composite Structures, 2022, 279: 114787. (SCI/EI, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊)
(4) Gao Wei, Runhao Wang, Shunhua Chen*, Mengyan Zang. An intrinsic cohesive zone approach for impact failure of windshield laminated glass subjected to a pedestrian headform, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 126:147-159. (SCI/EI,中科院一区、TOP 期刊)
(5) Gao Wei*, Liu B, Li J, et al. Effects of the structural properties of down-the-hole drill bits on the fracture behaviour of rock during rotary-percussive drilling[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 176: 106763. (SCI/EI,中科院一区、TOP 期刊)
(6) Gao Wei*, Feng Y T, Wang C. A coupled isogeometric/multi-sphere discrete element approach for the contact interaction between irregular particles and structures[J]. Powder Technology, 2023, 430: 118971. (SCI/EI, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊)
(7) Gao Wei, Zhao Guanhua, et al. A high-fidelity numerical approach for dummy head-windshield contact interactions[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2023, 176: 104560. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(8) Wang Jiawen, Wang Runhao, Gao Wei*, Chen Shunhua*. Numerical investigation of impact injury of a human head during contact interaction with a windshield glazing considering mechanical failure. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2020: 103577. (SCI/EI, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊, 学生第一作者、第二作者)
(9) Chen Shunhua, Mitsume Naoto, Bui Tinh Quoc, Gao Wei*, Tomonori Yamada, Mengyan Zang, Shinobu Yoshimura. Development of two intrinsic cohesive zone models for progressive interfacial cracking of laminated composites with matching and non-matching cohesive elements. Composite Structures, 2019: 111406. (SCI/EI, 中科院一区、TOP 期刊)
(10) Gao Wei*, Xiang Jibang, Chen Shunhua, Yin Shuohui, Zang Mengyan, Zheng Xuejun*. Intrinsic cohesive modeling of impact fracture behavior of laminated glass, Materials & Design, 2017, 127:321-335. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区、TOP 期刊)
(11) Gao Wei*, Liu Xin, Hu Jie, et al. A Novel Bilinear Constitutive Law for Cohesive Elements to Model the Fracture of Pressure-Dependent Rocks[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55(2): 521-540. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(12) Gao Wei, Liu Xin, Chen Shunhua*, Bui Tinh Quoc, Yoshimura Shinobu. A cohesive zone based DE/FE coupling approach for interfacial debonding analysis of laminated glass. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2020: 102668. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(13) Gao Wei*, He X, Wang J, et al. Numerical investigation of oblique impact behavior of a helmeted headform on a windshield considering failure[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 171: 108722. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(14) Gao Wei*, Liu Lei, Liao Zechu, Chen Shunhua, Zang Mengyan, Tan Yuanqiang. Discrete element analysis of the particle mixing performance in a ribbon mixer with a double U-shaped vessel, Granular Matter, 2019, Granular Matter, 2019, 21(1):12. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(15) Gao Wei*, Feng YT*. A coupled 3D discrete elements/isogeometric method for particle/structure interaction problems, Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020, 7: 869–880. (SCI/EI, 中科院三区)
(16) Gao Wei*, Tan Yuanqiang, Jiang Shengqiang, Zhang Gaofeng, Zang Mengyan. A virtual-surface contact algorithm for the interaction between FE and spherical DE. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2016, 108:32-40. (SCI/EI, 中科院三区)
(17) Gao Wei*, Li Jian, Feng YT*, et al. Numerical investigation of impact fracture behaviors of rocks under confining pressure, International Journal of Fracture, , 2024, 245(1): 37-56. (SCI/EI, 中科院三区)
(18) Gao Wei, Zang Mengyan*. The simulation of laminated glass beam impact problem by developing fracture model of spherical DEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2014, 42:2-7. (SCI/EI, 中科院三区)
(19) Gao Wei, Zang Mengyan*, Xu Wei. An approach to freely combining 3D discrete and finite element methods. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014, 11(1):1350051. (SCI/EI, 中科院四区)
(20) Gao Wei, Tan Yuanqiang, Zang Mengyan. A Cubic Arranged Spherical Discrete Element Model. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014, 11(5): 1350102. (SCI/EI, IF 0.75, 中科院四区)
(21) Feng YT*, Gao Wei*. On the strain energy distribution of two elastic solids under smooth contact[J]. Powder Technology, 2021, 389: 376-382. (SCI/EI, 中科院一区、TOP期刊)
(22) Zang Mengyan, Gao Wei, Lei Zhou. A contact algorithm for 3D discrete and finite element contact problems based on penalty function method. Computational Mechanics, 2011, 48(5):541-550. (SCI/EI, 中科院二区)
(23) Xu Wei, Zang Mengyan, Gao Wei. Adaptive Combined DE/FE Algorithm for Brittle Fracture of Plane Stress Problems, Computational Mechanics, 2014, 54(2):535-546. (SCI/EI, IF 2.525, 中科院二区)
(24) 臧孟炎, 雷周, 高伟, 陈虎,余洁冰. 显式离散元与有限元耦合软件V1.0. 计算机软件著作权. 登记号: 2011SR057163. 国家版权局, 2011.
(25) 高伟, 刘磊, 王润豪, 向纪邦, 廖泽楚, 聂松辉, 郑学军. 一种可分离为抬式/推式担架的多功能轮椅,发明专利授权号: ZL 2017 1 0095005.0. 发明专利, 国家知识产权局, 2018.
(26) 高伟, 杨顶, 刘鑫, 何小强. 一种多功能水果采摘装置, 专利授权号: ZL202010875873.2, 发明专利, 国家知识产权局, 2022.
(27) 高伟, 曾昆, 辜伟佳. 一种多功能轮椅及其平衡自调剂装置, 专利授权号: ZL202011603535.X, 发明专利, 国家知识产权局, 2022.
Email: gaowei@gdut.edu.cn;hbweigao@126.com