
作者: 时间:2015-10-25 点击数:

个人简述:刘丹,博士,2015 “青年百人计划”引进到广东工业大学轻工化工学院任职,副研究员,硕士生导师。科研方向主要从事食品非热加工技术、食品功能性成分的高效提取分离、食品无损检测等领域教学与科研工作。以第一/通讯作者在Food Bioprocess TechFood ChemFood Control等食品国际顶级期刊发表SCI论文15申请发明专利10余项,授权4项。主持国家基金1项,博士后基金1项,校级项目1项,参与多项国家级、省级以及其它各类科研项目。获广东省科学技术一等奖1项。


教育背景 :

2008.09-2012.02, 法国贡比涅技术大学,博士







[1] Liu, D, Pang, W., Ding, L., Sun,JX. An insight into the inhibitory activity of dihydromyricetin against Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Food Control, 2016, 67, 25-30.

[2] Liu D*, Lijun Ding, Jianxia Shu, Nadia Boussetta, Eugène Vorobiev. Yeast cell disruption strategies for recovery of intracellular bio-active compounds -A review. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technology, 2016, 36, 181-192.

[3] Liu D, Zeng X-A, Sun D-W. Recent developments and applications of hyperspectral imaging for quality evaluation of agricultural products: a review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2015, 55(12), 1744-57.

[4] Liu D, Sun D-W, Qu J H, Zeng X A, Pu H B, Ma J. Feasibility of using hyperspectral imaging to predict moisture content of porcine meat during salting process. Food Chemistry, 2014,152, 197-204.

[5] Liu D, Pu H, Sun D-W et al. Combination of spectra and texture data of hyperspectral imaging for prediction of pH in salted meat. Food Chemistry, 2014, 160, 330-337.

[6] Liu D, J Ma, Sun D-W et al. Prediction of color and pH of salted porcine meats using visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imaging. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014, 7, 3100-3108.

[7] Liu D, Wang L, Sun D-W. Lychee variety discrimination by hyperspectral imaging coupled with multivariate classification. Food Analytical Methods, 2014, 7, 1848-1857

[8] Liu D, Qu J H, Sun D-W, Pu H B, Zeng X A. Non-destructive prediction of salt contents and water activity of porcine meat by hyperspectral imaging in a salting process. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2013, 20, 316-323.

[9] Liu D, Zeng X-A, Sun D-W, Han Z. Disruption and protein release by ultrasonication of yeast cells. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2013, 18, 132-137.

[10] Liu D*, Lebovka N I, Vorobiev E. Impact of pulsed electric fields and high voltage electrical discharges on selective extraction of intracellular compounds from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2013, 6, 576-584,

[11] Liu D, Vorobiev E, Savoire R, Lanoisellé J-L. Comparative study of ultrasound-assisted and conventional stirred dead-end microfiltration of grape pomace extracts. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013, 20, 708-714.

[12] Liu D, Vorobiev E, Savoire R, Lanoisellé J-L. Intensification of polyphenols extraction from grape seeds by high voltage electrical discharges and extract concentration by dead-end ultrafiltration. Separation and purification technology, 2011, 81:134-140

[13] Liu D, Vorobiev E*, Savoire R, Lanoisellé J-L. Effect of disruption methods on the dead-end microfiltration behavior of yeast suspension. Separation Science and Technology, 2010, 45, 1042-1050.


[1] 国家自然科学青年基金:脉冲电场介导碳纳米管灭活副溶血性弧菌机理研究,20万,2018-2020

[2] 广东工业大学青年百人计划启动基金:酿酒副产物中生物活性物质提取、分离与功能性研究,20万,2016-2020

[3] 博士后基金:腌制过程肉品品质变化的高光谱图像特性及检测机理研究8万,结题


[1] 一种超声协同脉冲电场提取葡萄皮渣多酚的方法,发明专利ZL201310140746.8

[2] 脉冲电场辅助逆流提取葡萄皮渣多酚的装置及方法,发明专利CN103223261A

[3] 一种基于高光谱的食源性致病菌检测系统及方法,发明专利CN 103398994B.

[4]一种快速测定腌肉中氯化钠含量的方法, 发明专利CN103558167A

[5]一种基于高光谱成像的鱼片新鲜度检测方法,发明专利 CN103439285A







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