
作者: 时间:2021-03-09 点击数:



付小玲      Fu Xiaoling    副教授












2002年哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学士学位毕业。 2007年获得新加坡-麻省理工学院联合培养先进微纳米专业博士学位。 2016年湖北省“楚天学子” 荣誉称号。主要研究领域有:微纳米复合材料/形状记忆合金的微观组织结构与力学增韧机制以及电化学性能的关联性研究。

主讲《材料科学基础》本科基础课,《材料的失效分析》国际研究生全英文课。主持、负责的国家与省级项目一项,在国际权威杂志金属顶刊<Acta Materialia>, 力学顶刊<International Journal of Plasticity>, 计算材料学顶刊<npj computational materials>, <Scripta Materialia>, <Applied Physics Letters> 等以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章10多篇。





20075 新加坡国立大学-麻省理工联合培养先进微纳米系统 获博士学位

20048 20052月在麻省理工学院(MIT, USA)材料科学与工程专业联合培养

20027 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程专业 获学士学位


20183月至今 在广东工业大学副教授,“青年百人A类”人才




20081月至201010月在Global Foundry 研发部担任高级产品工程师

20073月至200712月在新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)担任助理教师职务






20178月年获第二届中国"互联网+"大学生创新创业大赛指导教师湖北省铜奖 指导教师







[1] C. Lin, M. Zhu, Z. Cao, Y. Lin, J. Huang, J. Wu, Z. Zhou, W. Song, P. Peng, M.J. Tan, Y. Yang, X. L. Fu#, International Journal Hydrogen Energy, 48 (2023) 40088-40100.. ( SCI收录,II, IF 6.371)

[2] Z. Zhou, M. Zhu, Y. He, J. Wu, Y. Lin, P. Li, M.J. Tan, Y. Yang, X.L. Fu#, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 968 (2023) 172049. ( SCI收录,II, IF 7.2)

[3] X. Fu, Y. Lin, M. Zhu, K. Wang, J. Wu, X. Tong, W. Song, M.J. Tan, Y. Yang, J. Shen, G. Wang, C.H. Shek, R.O. Ritchie, Npj Computational Materials, 9 (2023) 226. ( SCI收录,I, IF 9.7)

[4] X.L. Fu, R.Q. Deng, X.B Kong, G. Parande, J.S. Hu, P. Peng, Z.G. Zhu, B.Q. Shi, G. Wang*, M. Gupta*, R.O. Ritchie*, Interfacial characterization and its influence on the corrosion behavior of Mg-SiO2 nanocomposites, Acta Materialia, 230 (2022) 117840. ( SCI收录,I, IF 9.21)

[5] Y.J. Lin, C.Y. Lin, Z.Y. Cao, M.X. Zhu, J.J. Zhang, A.F. Chen, P. Peng, Y. Zhang, M.J. Tan, X.L. Fu*, Effect of Fe doping on structural, elastic and electronic properties of B2–ZrCu phase under hydrostatic pressure: A first-principles study, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 272 (2021) 124978. ( SCI收录,III, IF 4.78)

[6] X.L. Fu, G. Wang, Y. Wu, W.L. Song, C.H. Shek, Y. Zhang, J. Shen*, R.O. Ritchie,*, Compressive ductility and fracture resistance in CuZr-based shape-memory metallic-glass composites, International Journal of Plasticity 102687(2020), ( SCI收录,I, IF 6.27)

[7] X.L. Fu, M. J. Tan*, Y.S. Wang, A. E. W. Jarfors, M. Gupta and C.H.Shek*, High temperature deformation behavior for partially crystallized Mg67Zn28Ca5 amorphous alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 621(2015), p.1-76699 ( SCI收录,I, IF 4.62)

[8] X.L. Fu*, M. J. Tan*,Y.S. Wang, A. E. W. Jarfors and M. Gupta, Deformation behavior of Mg67Zn28Ca5 metallic glass at near supercooled liquid region Journal of Alloys and Compounds 549 (2013), p.100-104 (SCI收录,II, IF 3.014)

[9] X.L. Fu, M. J. Tan, A. E. W. Jarfors and M. Gupta, Processing and Properties of Amorphous Magnesium-Based Eco-Materials, Materials Science Forum 695 (2011), p.186-189 (EI收录)

[10] X.L. Fu, Y. Li and C.A. Schuh, Homogeneous flow of bulk metallic glass composites with a high volume fraction of reinforcement, Journal of Materials Research 22 (2007), p.1564-1573 (SCI收录,IV, IF 1.579)

[11] X.L. Fu, Y. Li and C.A. Schuh, Temperature, Strain rate, and Reinforcement Volume Fraction Dependence of Plastic Deformation in Metallic Glass Matrix Composites, Acta Materialia 55 (2007), p.3059-3071 (SCI收录,I, IF 5.058)

[12] X.L. Fu, Y. Li, and C.A. Schuh, Mechanical properties of metallic glass matrix composites: effects of reinforcement character and connectivity, Scripta Materialia 56 (2007), p.617-620 (SCI收录, I, IF 5.03)

[13] X.L. Fu, Y. Li, and C.A.Schuh, Contributions to the homogeneous flow of in situ bulk metallic glass matrix composites, Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005), p.241904 (SCI收录,I, IF 3.142

[14] Y. Yang*, X.L. Fu, S. Wang, Z.Y. Liu, B.A. Sun, C.T. Liu, Probing stochastic atomic-scale inelastic events in stressed amorphous metal, Scientific Reports 4 (2014), p.6699 (SCI收录,III, IF 4.29)

[15] Z.W. Xu, S.H. He, J.J. Zhang, S.J. Huang, A.F. Chen, X. L. Fu, P. Zhang, Relationship between the structure and thermal properties of polypropylene/graphene nanoplatelets composites for different platelet-sizes, Composites Science and Technology 183 (2019) 107826. ( SCI收录,I, IF 6.62)

[13] B.Q. Shi, Y.H. Xiao, X.L. Shang, Y.Q. Cheng, H. Yan, Y. Dong, A.F. Chen, X.L. Fu, R.S. Chen, W. Ke, Achieving ultra-low planar anisotropy and high stretch formability in a Mg-1.1Zn-0.76Y-0.56Zr sheet by texture tailoring via final-pass heavy reduction rolling, Materials Science and Engineering: A 746 (2019) 115-126. ( SCI收录,I, IF 4.62)

[14] A.F. Chen, S Ding, J.H. Huang, J.J. Zhang, Y Dong, X.L. Fu, B.Q Shi, B Wang, Z Zhang, Fabrication of superrepellent microstructured polypropylene/graphene surfaces with enhanced wear resistance, Journal of materials science, 54 (2019), 3914-3926 ( SCI收录,II, IF 3.31)



[1] 赵官军; 付小玲; 高海根 ; 多功能硬币或圆珠分类机 (发明), 2020-11-24, ZL201610159704.2

[2] 付小玲,赵官军,高陈,贾宏禹, 帅玉妹,纸币硬币高速分类计数机 (实用新型),ZL 2017 2 001588.1

[3] 付小玲,赵官军,贾宏禹, 帅玉妹,刘海文,高楼逃生装置(实用新型),ZL 2017 2 001570.1

[4] 高陈,张言明,黄方阳,姜攀攀,张巧荣,季清才,付小玲,刘佳,一种振动果实采摘机(实用新型), ZL 2017 2 1247365.X

[5] 张言明,黄方阳,姜攀攀,高陈,张巧荣,季清才,刘佳,付小玲,一种横向移动双层停车装置(实用新型)ZL 2017 2 1453353.2

[6] 付小玲,张言明,黄方阳,刘佳,季清才,张巧荣,姜攀攀,吴修德,魏世忠 一种垂直循环立体驻车装置(实用新型)ZL 2017 2 1634236.6

[7] 高陈,季清才,张巧荣,黄方阳,张言明,姜攀,付小玲,刘佳,一种振动式红枣采摘装置(实用新型)ZL 2017 2 1466942.4


[1] 界面调控对B2颗粒增强金属玻璃复合材料马氏体相变的影响(2024-2026), 广东省面上基金2024A515010878,主持

[2] 铜锆基金属玻璃复合材低温动态力学行为的尺寸效应(2022-2024), 广东省面上基金2022A515010233,主持

[3] ZrCu基金属玻璃复合材料的马氏体相变增韧与断裂韧性间的关联机制研究(2016-2019), 国家青年基金51601019,主持

[4] 新金属材料国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目《铜锆基金属玻璃断裂韧性及机理研究》 (2020.07-2022.06),项目批准号: 2020-Z11,主持

[5] 广东工业大学青年百人A类,主持

[6] 含缺陷连续管残余承载能力评估与分析方法研究(2016-2019), 国家青年基金51604039, 参与



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