李杨 Li Yang 教授
所属学院: |
计算机学院 |
导师类别: |
硕士生导师 |
科研方向: |
差分隐私保护、多智能体系统、机器学习 |
联系方式: |
liyang@gdut.edu.cn |
硕士招生学院: |
计算机学院 |
李杨,博士,教授。在分布式人工智能领域有多年持续深入的工作,主持和参加国家自然科学基金、广东省重点领域研发计划等各类项目 20 余项。发表学术论文 40 余篇(ESI 高被引 1 篇),包括中科院 SCI 一区 IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TII、TRANSPORT RES C-EMER、INFORM SCIENCES、二区期刊 J ARTIF INTELL RES、APPL INTELL、IJCAI等 CCF A、B类国际期刊和会议,其中多机器人协同优化方向论文十余篇,授权发明专利6项。2018-2019年作为访问学者在美国密苏里科技大学IDEAS实验室访问,获得了密苏里科技大学“2019年访问学者贡献奖”,作为作者之一与清华大学唐杰教授(ACM Fellow、IEEE Fellow)等学者合作撰写了《大数据技术前沿》一书。2019年获“广东青年五四奖章”集体提名奖。
李杨教授一直致力于将科研成果应用于教学研究和拔尖创新人才培养,指导学生获“挑战杯”国赛一等奖等各类科技竞赛奖项200 余项(国家级 30 项、省级 80 项),所指导的“QG 大学生科技创新工作室”获颁全国青少年科技创新最高荣誉—全国大学生“小平科技创新团队”称号(广东省 2 支,全国共 50 支),累计培养高水平创新人才近300 名,所获成果得到了广东卫视、南方卫视等主流媒体宣传报道,并在《广东新闻联播》中头条播出。作为副主编出版的《数据科学与数学建模》已经在双一流高校使用。
2018年10月-2019年10月: 美国密苏里科技大学,访问学者
Guangqiang Xie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Changdong Wang, Biwei Zhong and Xianbiao Hu. Consensus Seeking in Large-Scale Multiagent Systems With Hierarchical Switching-Backbone Topology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2023, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3290015. (中科院JCR-SCI一区,IF: 10.4)
Chenxi Chen,Xianbiao Hu*,Yang Li,Qing Tang. Optimization of Privacy Budget Allocation In Differential Privacy-based Public Transit Trajectory Data Publishing for Smart Mobility Applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2023,24(12):15158-15168(中科院JCR-SCI一区,IF:8.5)
Guangqiang Xie, Biwei Zhong, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu and Changdong Wang. Connectivity-preserving rendezvous in discrete-time multi-agent systems via relative neighborhood proximity graph. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.2023,46(4):771-784(中科院JCR-SCI四区)
GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu, Chang-DongWang. Consensus enhancement for multi-agent systems with rotating-segmentation perception. Applied Intelligence. 2022,53(5):5750-5765. (中科院SCI二区,CCF C期刊)
GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu, Chang-DongWang. Fast distributed consensus seeking in large-scale and high-density multi-agent systems with connectivity maintenance . Information Science , 2022, 608:1010-1028. (中科院SCI一区,CCF B期刊)
Xie Guangqiang, Chen Junyu, Li Yang*. Hybrid-order Network Consensus for Distributed Multi-agent Systems [C]. the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021 . (IJCAI2021,Journal Track,CCF A会议)
Guangqiang Xie, Junyu Chen, Yang Li*. Hybrid-order Network Consensus for Distributed Multi-agent Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2021,70:389-407. (中科院JCR-SCI二区,CCF- B类期刊)
GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Jiyuan Xu, Shupeng Zhao, Yang Li*,Chang-DongWang. Sequential Trajectory Data Publishing with Adaptive grid-based Weighted Differential Privacy.Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.2023, MAJOR REVISION
Yang Li, Dasen Yang, Xianbiao Hu*. A Differential Privacy-Based Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Algorithm for Transit Smart Card Data. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 2020, 115:102634(中科院JCR-SCI二区,IF:5.775)
Xie Guangqiang, Zhang Runpeng, Li Yang*, Huang Ling, Wang Changdong, Yang Hao, Liang Jiahao. AttractRank: District Attraction Ranking undefinedysis Based on Taxi Big Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020,17(3):1679-1688 (中科院JCR-SCI一区,IF: 9.112)
Wen Wen*,Cai Ruichu,Hao Zhifeng,Yang Xiaowei,Li Yang. Recognizing Activities from Partially Observed Streams using Posterior Regularized Conditional Random Fields. Neurocomputing, 2017,260:294-301.( 中科院JCR-SCI二区,IF:4.072)
ChunMei Zhang, Yang Li*, ZiBin Chen. DPETs: a Differentially Private ExtraTrees, 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). 2017, 302-306. (EI会议)
Li, Yang*,Xie, Guangqiang,Li, Xiaomei,Liu, Hua,Dependent function interval parameters training algorithm based on DBSCAN clustering, 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC).2012,7709-7712. (EI会议)
Xie, Guangqiang*, Zhang, Yun, Zeng, Qijie, Li, Yang. Discrete-Time Rendezvous Algorithms for Mobile Autonomous Agents, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(23):774-781.(EI期刊)
Yang Li, Ph.D , Professor
Guangdong University of Technology
100 Wai Huan Xi Road, Guangzhou University Mega Centre,
Guangdong, 510006
Email: liyang@gdut.edu.cn
Professor |
School of Computers, Guangdong University of Technology, China |
2020-now |
Visiting Scholar |
Intelligent Transportation Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA |
2018-2019 |
Associate Professor |
School of Computers, Guangdong University of Technology, China |
2013-2020 |
Lecturer |
School of Computers, Guangdong University of Technology, China |
2006-2013 |
Ph.D. |
Control Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, China |
2013 |
M.Sc. |
Computer Science, Northeast Electric Power University, China |
2004 |
B.Sc. |
Computer Science, Northeast Electric Power University, China |
2001 |
Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent System Consensus
Data Security and Differential Privacy Preserving
4.PROJECTS(Funded projects in an ownership role: $127,000 ; Roles in other projects: over $380,000)
[1].Project Manager, ”Research on the consensus algorithm of multi-agent systems under switching topology based on differential privacy protection”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, $33,000, Jan 2020-Dec 2023
[2].Funding for Visiting Scholars at Guangdong University of Technology, $14,000, Oct 2018-Oct 2019
[3].Project Manager, “Medium and long-term grid load forecasting model research project with multi-algorithm fusion”, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation,$16,000, July 2017-Nov 2017
[4].Project Manager, “Guangdong Power Grid Big Data Visualization Project” , Guangdong Power Grid Corporation,$4,000, Apr 2017-June 2017
[5].Project Manager, “Quality Inspection Public Service Platform for Stainless Steel Industry”, Guangdong Province Professional Town Small and Medium Enterprises Service Platform Project,$100,000,Sept.2013-Sept.2014
[6].Project Manager, “Guangdong Quality Inspection Institute Integrated Business Management Information System”, Guangdong Provincial Quality Inspection Institute, 60,000, Mar 2015- June 2016
[7].Technical team leader, “Design and analysis of multi-example learning algorithm based on maximum interval”, National Natural Science Foundation, $50,000, Nov 2012-Nov 2015
[8].Research team leader, ”Stainless steel specialty industry, industry, research and cooperation innovation platform”, Guangdong Science and Technology Plan, $200,000, May 2014- Aug 2017
[9].Research team leader, ” Enterprise payment card integrated management platform”, Enterprise commissioned project, $130,000, Apr 2015- May 2016
5.Paper Publications
[1].Guangqiang Xie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Changdong Wang, Biwei Zhong and Xianbiao Hu. Consensus Seeking in Large-Scale Multiagent Systems With Hierarchical Switching-Backbone Topology, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,2023, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3290015.
[2].Chenxi Chen,Xianbiao Hu*,Yang Li,Qing Tang. Optimization of Privacy Budget Allocation In Differential Privacy-based Public Transit Trajectory Data Publishing for Smart Mobility Applications. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.2023,24 (12) :15158-15168
[3].Yang Li, Dasen Yang, Xianbiao Hu*. A Differential Privacy-Based Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing Algorithm for Transit Smart Card Data. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies,2020, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2020.102634
[4].Guangqiang Xie, Biwei Zhong, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu and Changdong Wang. Connectivity-preserving rendezvous in discrete-time multi-agent systems via relative neighborhood proximity graph. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.2023,46(4):771-784
[5].GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu, Chang-DongWang. Consensus enhancement for multi-agent systems with rotating-segmentation perception. Applied Intelligence. 2022,53(5):5750-5765.
[6].GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Yang Li*, Xianbiao Hu, Chang-DongWang. Fast distributed consensus seeking in large-scale and high-density multi-agent systems with connectivity maintenance . Information Science , 2022, 608:1010-1028.
[7].Xie Guangqiang, Chen Junyu, Li Yang*. Hybrid-order Network Consensus for Distributed Multi-agent Systems [C]. the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021 . (IJCAI2021,Journal Track)
[8].Guangqiang Xie, Junyu Chen, Yang Li*. Hybrid-order Network Consensus for Distributed Multi-agent Systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2021,70:389-407.
[9].GuangqiangXie, Haoran Xu, Jiyuan Xu, Shupeng Zhao, Yang Li*,Chang-DongWang. Sequential Trajectory Data Publishing with Adaptive grid-based Weighted Differential Privacy.Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.Under Review, MAJOR REVISION
[10].Wen Wen*,Cai Ruichu,Hao Zhifeng,Yang Xiaowei,Li Yang. Recognizing Activities from Partially Observed Streams using Posterior Regularized Conditional Random Fields. Neurocomputing, 2017,260:294-301.
[11].ChunMei Zhang, Yang Li*, ZiBin Chen. DPETs: a Differentially Private ExtraTrees, 13th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). 2017, 302-306.
[12].Li, Yang*,Xie, Guangqiang,Li, Xiaomei,Liu, Hua,Dependent function interval parameters training algorithm based on DBSCAN clustering, 31st Chinese Control Conference (CCC).2012,7709-7712.
[13].Xie, Guangqiang*, Zhang, Yun, Zeng, Qijie, Li, Yang. Discrete-Time Rendezvous Algorithms for Mobile Autonomous Agents, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(23):774-781.
6.Publishing monographs
[1].Data Structure, Higher Education Press, 2017
[2].The frontier of big data technology, Electronic Industry Press, 2016
[3].Java technology and its application. Tsinghua University Press, 2009
7.Intellectual property rights
[1].An electronic medicine box and its management system, invention patent, 200910258397.3
[2].Multifunctional portable data copying device, utility model patent, 201110180046.8
[3].Machine learning based verification code recognition system, computer software copyright, 2017SR534299
[4].Sound and light quality inspection and simulation system for building buildings, computer software copyright, 2011R11L029047
[5].Enterprise payment card integrated management platform software, computer software copyright, 2011SR071360
[6].Quality measurement information integration management platform software, computer software copyright, 2010SR000003
[7].3D virtual scene editing system, computer software copyright, 2009SR061272
[8].Digital virtual scene real-time roaming system, computer software copyright, 2009SR061274
[9].Android-based mobile collaborative office system, computer software copyright, 2013SR045692
[1].Recipient. Guangdong University of Technology "Top Ten Teachers"
[2].Recipient. Guangdong University of Technology "Excellent Teacher of the Year"
[3].Recipient. Yunfu City “Second Prize of Science and Technology Award”
[4].Recipient. Guangdong University of Technology “Advanced Researcher”
[5].Recipient. Guangdong University of Technology's excellent teaching "first prize", "second prize"
[6].Guangdong University of Technology “Excellent Instructor”
[7].Instructor, The 14th "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Competition "Smart City" Special Event Finals, "Special Award" (three in total)
[8].Instructor, The 12th "Challenge Cup" National College Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Competition Final, "First Prize", (Guangdong University of Technology won the first prize of the Challenge Cup National Competition for the first time)
[9].Instructor, The 12th "Challenge Cup" Guangdong University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition Final , Grand Prize
[10].Instructor, The 12th "Challenge Cup" Guangdong University Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition Final, First Prize
[11].Instructor, The 22nd Guangdong Provincial University Software Design Competition, second prize
[1].CCF member
[2].CCF YOCSEF Guangzhou member
[3].Member of Zhongguancun Big Data Industry Alliance
[4].Member of the Guangdong Big Data Professional Committee.