所属学院 |
环境科学与工程学院 |
导师类别 |
硕士生导师 |
办公地点 |
广东工业大学大学城工学三号馆202 |
联系方式 |
zhangbaifa@gdut.edu.cn |

张佰发,男,广东茂名人,入选广东工业大学“青年百人”引进人才,硕士生导师,兼任中国硅酸盐学会青年理事,中国力学学会会员,主要从事固体废弃物和矿物二次资源的绿色低碳利用研究。在Cement and Concrete Composites,Construction and Building Materials,Applied Clay Science,Clays and Clay Minerals等主流国际期刊发表SCI论文40余篇。其中第一作者SCI论文13篇,通讯作者论文7篇。SCI总引次数740次,H-index指数18。目前正在主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目,广州市启航项目各一项,入选广东省青年优秀科研人才国际培养计划博士后项目,担任多个SCI期刊审稿人并获评Applied Clay Science 优秀审稿人。研究方向主要包括:1.固体废弃物(如渣土、矿渣、粉煤灰、尾矿等)的处置和资源化利用。2.绿色低碳建筑材料如再生水泥、橡胶混凝土等。3.环境矿物学与环境矿物材料。
2008-09~2012-07 中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院 矿物加工工程(工学学士)
2012-09~2015-07中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院 矿物加工工程(工学硕士)
2017-09~2020-12 中国科学院大学(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所)环境工程专业(理学博士)
2015-07~2017-06 马鞍山钢铁厂,南山矿业有限公司 技术员
2021-01~2022-11 广东工业大学,材料与能源学院博士后流动站 博士后
2022-12~今 广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院,讲师,“青年百人”引进人才
1 Zhang BF, Guo HZ, Yuan P, Deng LL, Zhong XM, Li Y, Wang Q, Liu D. Novel acid-based geopolymer synthesized from nanosized tubular halloysite: The role of precalcination temperature and phosphoric acid concentration[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites: 2020, 103601.
2. Zhang BF, Guo HZ, Yuan P, Li Y, Wang Q, Deng LL, Liu D. Geopolymerization of halloysite via alkali-activation: Dependence of microstructures on precalcination[J]. Applied Clay Science: 2020, 185: 105375.
3. Zhang BF, Yuan P, Guo HZ, Deng LL, Li Y, Li L, Wang, Q, Liu, D. Effect of curing conditions on the microstructure and mechanical performance of geopolymers derived from nanosized tubular halloysite[J]. Construction and Building Materials: 2020, 121186.
4. Zhang BF, Guo HZ, Deng, L., Fan, WX., Yu, T., Wang, Q. Undehydrated kaolinite as materials for the preparation of geopolymer through phosphoric acid-activation[J]. Applied Clay Science: 2020, 105887
5. Zhang BF, Yu T, Deng LL, Li Y, Guo HZ, Zhou JM, Li LJ, Yuan P. Ion-adsorption type rare earth tailings for preparation of alkali-based geopolymer with capacity for heavy metals immobilization [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites: 2022, 104768.
6. Wang Q, Guo HZ, Yu T, Yuan P, Deng LL, Zhang BF*. Utilization of Calcium Carbide Residue as Solid Alkali for Preparing Fly Ash-Based Geopolymers: Dependence of Compressive Strength and Microstructure on Calcium Carbide Residue, Water Content and Curing Temperature[J]. Materials. 2022; 15(3):973
7. Zhang BF, Feng Y, Xie JH, He JH, Zhang YL, Cai CJ, Huang DC, Li LJ. Effects of fibres on ultra-lightweight high strength concrete: Dynamic behaviour and microstructures [J]. Cement and Concrete Composites: 2022, 104417.
8. Zhang BF, Feng Y, Xie JH, He JH, Yu T, Cai CJ, Huang DC. Compressive behaviours, splitting properties, and workability of lightweight cement concrete: The role of fibres [J]. Construction and Building Materials: 2022, 126237.
9. Zhang BF, Feng Y, Xie JH, Lai DM, Yu T, Huang DC. Rubberized geopolymer concrete: Dependence of mechanical properties and freeze-thaw resistance on replacement ratio of crumb rubber [J]. Construction and Building Materials: 2021, 125248.
10. Zhang BF, Huang DC, Li LJ, Lin M, Liu Y, Fang W, Lu JJ, Liu F, Li Y, Liu Y, Xiong Z. Effect of magnesium salt contamination on the microstructures and properties of metakaolinite-based geopolymer: the role of MgCl2 and MgSO4 [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology: 2022, 4500-4514.
11. Yuan BX, Chen WJ, Zhao J, Li LJ, Liu F, Guo YC, Zhang BF*. Addition of alkaline solutions and fibers for the reinforcement of kaolinite-containing granite residual soil [J]. Applied Clay Science: 2022, 186: 105439.
12. Zhang BF*, Yu T, Guo HZ, Chen JR, Liu Y, Yuan P. Effect of the SiO2/Al2O3 Molar Ratio on the Microstructure and Properties of Clay-based Geopolymers: A Comparative Study of Kaolinite-based and Halloysite-based Geopolymers [J]. Clays and Clay Minerals: 2023, 70: 882-902.
13. Zhang BF, Feng Y, Xie JH, Chen W, Xue ZX, Zhao GX, Li Y, Li JL, Yang J. Compressive behaviour and microstructures of concrete incorporating pretreated recycled powder/aggregates: The coupling effects of calcination and carbonization [J]. Journal of Building Engineering: 2023, 68: 106158.
14. Zhang BF, Feng Y, Xie JH, Dai J-G, Chen W, Xue ZX, Li LJ, Li Y, Li JL. Effects of pretreated recycled powder substitution on mechanical properties and microstructures of alkali-activated cement [J]. Construction and Building Materials: 2023, 133360.
15. Zhang BF, Liu Y, Pan ZZ, Li LJ, Huang YB, Wang ZM, Chen JY, Lao WJ, Liu F, Zhu HY, Xiong Z. The microstructure and mechanical properties of recycled metakaolinite-based geopolymer: Dependence of recycled powder replacement ratio [J]. Journal of Building Engineering: 2024, 85: 108730.
[1] 国家自然科学基金-青年项目,华南典型富粘(黏)土矿物风化残积土的地聚反应性及其矿物学制约机,42302032,2024.01-2026.12,30万元,在研,主持;
[2] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,海洋环境下高岭石基海水海砂地聚物混凝土性能演化和机理研究,2023A1515012180,2023.01-2025.12,10万,在研,主持;
[3] 广州市科技计划项目基础与应用基础研究项目(青年博士“启航”项目),海水中典型离子对高岭石基地聚物力学性能及其演化的影响机理,SL2023A04J02110,2024.01-2023.03,5万,在研,主持;
[4] 广东省青年优秀人才国际培养计划博士后项目,海水海砂高岭石基地聚物混凝土的研究:从微观结构到宏观性能,2021.11-2022.12,10万元,结题,主持;
[5] 横向课题,基于固体废弃物制备绿色建材可行性研究,2020.11-2022.11,3万,结题,主持