
作者: 时间:2019-11-16 点击数:

王博 WANG BO 教授













王博,男,博士,教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,获 光学工程 博士学位。从2008年到现在,在广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院任教,入选广东省教育厅 第六批千百十工程校级培养对象。作为项目负责人主持了国家自然科学基金2项、广东省自然科学基金项目、广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目和广州市科技计划珠江科技新星专项等,以第一作者或者通讯作者在Applied Physics LettersJournal of Chemical PhysicsJournal of Materials Chemistry CInternational Communications in Heat and Mass TransferInternational Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInternational Journal of Thermal SciencesSurfaces and InterfacesApplied Materials TodayOptics and Laser TechnologyInfrared Physics & TechnologyPhysics Letters AIEEE Photonics Technology LettersJournal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical PhysicsJournal of Physics D-Applied PhysicsApplied OpticsOptics Letters等国际著名英文学术期刊发表160多篇国外SCI收录期刊论文。培养的研究生中11人获得硕士研究生国家奖学金,1人获得广东工业大学优秀硕士学位论文,2人入选广东工业大学研究生拔尖创新人才培育计划,1人获得优秀研究生拔尖创新人才奖,4人获得广东工业大学优秀毕业生,王博本人荣获广东工业大学2018年度、2020年度、2022年度优秀研究生导师称号。担任国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目通讯评议人,教育部学位中心学位论文评审人,Optics LettersOptics & Laser TechnologyInfrared Physics & TechnologyJournal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsOptics CommunicationsPhysica ScriptaJournal of OpticsIEEE Photonics JournalOptical EngineeringJournal of Cleaner ProductionOptikCurrent Optics and PhotonicsModern Physics Letters BMaterialsNanomaterialsPhotonicsChinese Optics LettersChinese Physics B等学术期刊审稿人。








1. Guoyu Liang, Bo Wang*, Multi-channel nonreciprocal radiation of transverse electric wave with photonic crystal heterostructure, Applied Physics Letters 125 (21): 212202 (2024) (JCR分区:Q2)

2. Xuantong Shi, Bo Wang*, Dual-polarization strong nonreciprocal radiation by the 2D GaAs nanograting, Applied Physics Letters 125 (6): 062202 (2024). (JCR分区:Q2)

3. Xiaoqing Zhu, Bo Wang*, Hybrid nanostructure with two-dimensional grating for resonance waves self-referenced sensing, Applied Physics Letters 123 (20): 202202 (2023). (JCR分区:Q2)

4. Zhichao Xiong, Bo Wang*, Metamaterial of sodium-graphene for bifunctional perfect absorber, Applied Physics Letters 122 (23): 232203 (2023). (JCR分区:Q2)

5. Xiaoqing Zhu, Bo Wang*, Solar energy broadband capturing by metamaterial absorber based on titanium metal, Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (16): 164704 (2024). (JCR分区:Q2)

6. Xiaoqing Zhu, Bo Wang*, Square-package arrays for efficient trapping of terahertz waves, Journal of Chemical Physics 159 (1): 014705 (2023). (JCR分区:Q2)

7. Yuqing Xu, Bo Wang*, Ultra-wideband terahertz thermal absorber with doped silicon double-layer square groove arrays, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 204: 109236 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1)

8. Liqun Liu, Bo Wang*, Shanwen Zhang*, Metamaterial ultra-broadband absorber in near-infrared region with decreasing thermal emission, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 204: 109237 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1)

9. Xiaofeng Wang, Bo Wang*, Jun Wu*, Graphene tunable dual-band nonreciprocal thermal emitter under TE polarization, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 203: 109124 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1)

10. Hong Zou, Bo Wang*, Jun Wu*, Polarization-independent nonreciprocal thermal radiation by cylindrical grating structure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 231: 125819 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

11. Jiahao Li, Bo Wang*, Tunable nonreciprocal thermal emitter based on graphene/indium arsenide/silver microstructure, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 157: 107772 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

12. Hong Zou, Bo Wang*, Solar energy utilization with double-layer cascaded grating metamaterial, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 149: 107129 (2023). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

13. Xu Huang, Bo Wang*, Accretion of SiO2/doped-Si cuboid for terahertz absorber and impedance matching, Surfaces and Interfaces 52: 104958 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1)

14. Zhisen Huang, Bo Wang*, Ultra-broadband metamaterial absorber for capturing solar energy from visible to near infrared, Surfaces and Interfaces 33: 102244 (2022). (JCR分区:Q1)

15. Xiaoqing Zhu, Bo Wang*, Metamaterial wide-angle dual-band absorber with graphene surface, Surfaces and Interfaces 32: 102118 (2022). (JCR分区:Q1)

16. Zhisen Huang, Bo Wang*, High-performance refractive index sensor by nano-cylindrical surface structure, Surfaces and Interfaces 31: 101987 (2022). (JCR分区:Q1)

17. Zhichao Xiong, Bo Wang*, I-shaped stack configuration for multi-purpose splitter, Optics and Laser Technology 168: 109959 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

18. Zhisen Huang, Bo Wang*, High-efficiency multi-port beam control device based on periodic nanodisk arrays, Optics and Laser Technology 152: 108102 (2022). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

19. Jiahao Li, Bo Wang*, Jun Wu*, Si/InAs/Ag metamaterial for strong nonreciprocal thermal emitter with dual polarization under a 0.9 T magnetic field, Applied Materials Today 39: 102345 (2024). (JCR分区:Q1)

20. Weiyi Yu, Peihong Zeng, Bo Wang*, Yuqing Xiao, Ultra-broadband terahertz thermal absorber based on H-shaped array microstructure, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 210: 109670 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1)

21. Yuqing Xu, Bo Wang*, Jing Ye, Near-infrared violation of Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation at near-zero angle, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 211: 109752 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1)

22. Jinhai Huang, Bo Wang*, Terahertz ultra-wideband absorber by trapezoidal pyramid doped silicon/SU-8 metamaterial, Applied Materials Today 42: 102549 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1)

23. Liqun Liu, Bo Wang*, Graphene-layered refractive index sensor by metal-assisted guided mode resonance structure, Optics and Laser Technology 182: 112129 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

24. Yuqing Xu, Bo Wang*, Jinyun Zhou, Annular Ti-Al2O3-Ti triple-layer stacked composite microstructure solar absorber, Applied Thermal Engineering 263: 125449-1 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

25. Xu Huang, Bo Wang*, Jinyun Zhou, Jing Ye, Silicon cylinders hollowed for nonreciprocal thermal radiation under a magnetic field of 1 T, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 241, 126738 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

26. Jiahao Li, Bo Wang*, Silicon-based square-hole arrays for dual-band nonreciprocal thermal radiation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 238: 126509 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1Top)

27. Yuqing Xu, Bo Wang*, Jing Ye, Jinyun Zhou, Thermal non-equilibrium process for nonreciprocity with dual-TE/single-TM peaks, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 192: 116028 (2025). (JCR分区:Q1Top)


1. 潘浩贤,周金运,王博,温坤华,雷亮,蒙自明,一种用于光固化三维成型的光学系统,2022.02.18, 中国,ZL202121625801.9,已授权实用新型专利

2. 刘晓轩,周金运,王博,温坤华,雷亮,蒙自明,一种生成复合涡旋光的复合螺旋相位板,2021.11.23, 中国,ZL202121266737.X,已授权实用新型专利

3. 刘晓轩,周金运,王博,温坤华,雷亮,一种双面微透镜阵列,2021.11.05, 中国,ZL202023344040.8,已授权实用新型专利

4. 韦展彪,江秀娟,唐一凡,王博,刘震宇,朱铮涛,张丹丹,付一鸣,一种基于分布式光纤传感的水管泄漏监测装置,2017.08.15, 中国,ZL201621309590.7,已授权实用新型专利








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