
作者: 时间:2017-03-31 点击数:

闵永刚     MINYONGGANG    教授








环保和PM 2.5等。









闵永刚,教授,博士生导师,美国宾夕法尼亚大学博士,2005年,“国家杰出青年科学基金”获得者。师从于2000年诺贝尔化学奖获得者Alan G. MacDiarmid教授。拥有二十多年国际工作经历,先后在多家世界500强企业和美国著名学府担任过多种技术职位,如:美国杜邦、IBM、英国帝国化学公司(威克斯)、法国圣戈班、美国宾西法尼亚大学、和俄亥俄州立大学等。在科学研究、产品研发、项目管理、技术规划、标准制定、市场开拓等方面担任过领导管理工作;从事过公司兼并、合资联盟、新厂建设、研发和技术中心筹建、公司收购重组、和工业产业联盟建立,拥有良好的工作业绩,其产品应用分布到多个工业领域如:电子、通讯、半导体、  生医、汽车、纺织、絕缘、建筑及绿色能源。

主持过多项美国国家标准局项目、美国国防部项目、美国国家科学基金项目、及中国国家基金项目,总项目经费达数十亿元。多次获得美国国防部和美国制造协会科技成果奖、美国公司突出贡献奖等。申报了一百余项中国和国际专利(其中四十多项已获授权),科技文章一百余篇(总引用指数:>2000 H-index  22)。同时,在各种国际会议上做过百余场报告。研究领域为:有机光电功能材料与器件(功能高分子材料、有机发光二极管、钙钛矿型太阳能电池),多维功能化石墨烯复合材料与应用,高性能聚合物材料的合成与加工,节能环保和PM 2.5,等。





2004年,获得美国俄亥俄州立大学的工商管理硕士学位(Executive MBA

1995年,获得美国宾西法尼亚大学的化学博士学位 (导师: 诺贝尔奖获得者 Alan G. MacDiarmid




2008-2012年  先后获四项美国NSF-SBIR技术开发与应用奖(SBIR-Phase I-II

2010  2010 ANTEC 年会上获得热塑性材料及泡沫分会颁发的最佳论文奖

2005  获国家基金委国家杰出青年基金

2004  获得六西格玛(6-sigma)黑带认证和产品供应链(SAP)资格认证

20032005年 两次获得台湾印刷电路板协会(TPCA)贡献奖

2000  美国国家标准局(ATP/NIST)项目奖特等奖

1998  获美国NCMS和国防部DAPAR项目奖


[1] T. Fan, C. Zhao, Z. Xiao, F.  Guo, K. Cai, H. Lin, Y. Liu*, H. Meng*, Y. Min*, A. J. Epstein; Fabricating of  high-performance functional graphene fibers for micro-capacitive energy  storage; Sci. Rep. 6, 29534  (2016).

[2] Cumliang Ma, Li Peng, yafei  Feng, Jiaxin Shen, Zhuangqing Xiao, Kaiyu Cai, Youhai Yu*, Yong Min*, Arthur  J. Epstein, Polyfurfuryl alcohol, spheres template synthesis of 3D porous  graphene for high-peeerformance supercapacitor application, Synthetic Met.  227-235(2016).

[3] Wenjin Zeng, Guoxin Song,  Yonghua Li, Chunqiu Yuan, Tianju Fan, Wei Tang, JinWang, Chunyan Zhao,  Wenyong Lai, Hongmei Zhang*, Yong Min*, Wei Huang*Enhanced performance of  poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl): [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester  solar cells by UV irradiationThin Solid Films, 2016, 600, 136-141.

[4] T. Fan, W. Zeng, W. Tang, C.  Yuan, S. Tong, K. Cai, Y. Liu*, W. Huang, Y. Min*, A.J. Epstein; Controllable  size-selective method to prepare graphene quantum dots from graphene oxide, Nanoscale Res. Lett. 10:55(2015).  

[5] T. Fan, W. Zeng, Q. Niu, S.  Tong, K. Cai, Y. Liu*, W. Huang, Y. Min*, A.J. Epstein; Fabrication of  high-quality graphene oxide nanoscrolls and application in supercapacitor, Nanoscale Res. Lett.  10:192(2015).

[6] T. Fan, S. Tong, W. Zeng, Q.  Niu, Y. Liu*, C.-Y. Kao, J. Liu, W. Huang, Y. Min*, A.J. Epstein; Self-assembling  sulfonated graphene/polyaniline nanocomposite paper for high performance  supercapacitor,  Synthetic Met. 199, 79-86(2015).

[7] Shenbin Mo, Youhai Yu,*Yong Min*. Enhanced properties of poly(vinyl alcohol)  composite films with functionalized graphene, RSC Adv., 2015,5,97738-97745.

[8] W. Tang, L. Peng, C. Yuan, J.  Wang, S. Mo, C. Zhao, Y. Yu, Y. Min*,Arthur J. Epstein. Facilesynthesis of 3D  reduced graphene oxide and its polyaniline composite for super  capacitorapplication. Synthetic Metals, 2015 (202), 140-146.

[9] D. Wang,Y. Min , Y.Yu. Facile  synthesis of wheat bran-derived honeycomb-like hierarchicalcarbon for  advanced symmetric supercapacitor applications. Journal of Solid  StateElectrochemistry, 2015(15) 577-584.

[10] S. Tong, T. Fan, W. Zeng, D.  Zhang, C.-Y. Kao, Y. Liu*, Y. Min*, A.J. Epstein; Formation of tunable  three-dimensional networks of graphene hydrogel via covalent bond, Synthetic Met. 196,  27-32(2014).

[11] Y. Min*, Y. Liu, Y. Poojarib,  J. Wu, B.E. Hildreth III, T.J. Rosol, A.J. Epstein*; Self-doped  polyaniline-based interdigitated electrodes for electrical stimulation of  osteoblast cell lines; Synthetic Met. 198, 308-313(2014).

[12] Yong Min Yidong LiuYadagiri PoojariJen-Chieh WuBlake Easond Hildreth IIIThomas J. RosolArthur J. Epstein*  Self-doped polyaniline-baseinterdigitated electrodes for electrical  stimulation of osteoblast cell linesSynthetic Metals2014198308-313

[13] D. Wang,Y. Min , Y. Yu, et al.  Laser induced self-propagating reduction and exfoliation ofgraphite oxide as  an electrode material for supercapacitors[J]. Electrochimica Acta,  2014(141),271-278.

[14] D. Wang, Y. Min*Y. Yu and L. Peng.  Ageneral approach for fabrication of nitrogen-doped graphene sheets and its  application in supercapacitors. Journal of Colloid and Interface  Science,2013(417), 270-277.

[15] Y. Min, Y. Yang, Y. Poojari, Y.  Liu, J. Wu, D.J. Hansford, A.J. Epstein*; Sulfonated Polyaniline-based Organic Electrodes for  Controlled Electrical Stimulation of Human Osteosarcoma Cells; Biomacromolecules 14,  17271731(2013).

[16] J. Park, A. Carter, L. Mier, C.  Kao, S.A. Lewis, R.P. Nandyala, Y. Min* andA.J. Epstein*.Organic photovoltaic  cells with nano-fabric heterojunction (nFHJ) structure. Applied Physics  Letters,2012(100), 073301.

[17] C. Kao, J. Yoo, Y. Min  andArthur J. Epstein*. Molecular layer deposition of an organic-based  magnetics semiconducting laminate.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2012(4), 137-141.

[18] Y. Yang, Y. Min*, Derek J.  Hansford, Stephen E Feinberg and Arthur J Epstein. Synthesis  andCharacterization of Cytocompatible Sulfonated Polyanilines. Macromol Rapid  Comm. V32,2011(12), 887-892

[19] J.Y. Liu, Y. Min, J.Y. Chen,  H.W. Zhou, C. Wang, Preparation of the Ultra-Low Dielectric Constant Polyimide Fiber  Membranes Enabled by Electrospinning, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, V28 Issue 2,  215219, 2006.

[20] G. Min, Embedded Passive  Resistors: Challenges and Opportunities For Conducting PolymersSynthetic Metals20051531-3):49-52

[21] G. Min. Perspectives On  Flexible Printed Circuit Materials. Synth. Met., 135, 141-143 (2003).

[22] G. Min, Conducting Polymers and  Their Applications in The Film Industry-Polyaniline/Polyimide Blended FilmsSynthetic Metals19991021-3):1163-1166

[23] Y. Min, Y. Xia, A.G.MacDiarmid,  A.J. Epstein. Vapor Phase 'Secondary Doping' of Polyaniline Synth. Met., 69,  159-160 (1994).

[24] A.G. MacDiarmid, Y, Min, J.M.  Wiesinger, E.J. Oh, E.M. Scherr and A.J. Epstein. Towards Optimization of  Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Polyaniline: Is Crosslinking Between  Chains the Key? Synth. Met., 55, 753-760 (1993).


1. 省级,石墨烯复合材料的开发研究,2014/12-2017/12500万元,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51274159,在稀相悬浮床中用改性钙基CCCR反应捕集CO2的热动力学研究,2013/01-2016/1285万元,已结题,主持

3. 美国国家科学基金会(NSFSBIR二期B 项目,合成和制备“高新能”纳米复合型泡沫材料,20092010年,732万,已结题,主持

4. 美国国家科学基金会(NSFSBIR一期A项目,开发纳米材料插入技术,20102010年,62万,已结题,主持

5. 美国国家科学基金会(NSFSBIR一期A项目,开发“多功能、高强、耐磨、和导电型碳纳米纸”,20112012年,149万,已结题,主持

6. 美国国家科学基金会(NSFSBIR一期A项目,开发“功能性聚苯胺用于实施CO2富集和转肥料的过程研究”,20112012年,149万,已结题,主持

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