1. 基本信息
姓 名:程艳玲
职 称: 副教授
最高学历: 博 士
手 机:13763374500
E-mail: chengyanling@gdut.edu.cn
2. 教育经历:
2004.9-2007.6 :兰州理工大学硕士研究生
2000.9-2004.6 :兰州理工大学工学学士
3. 工作经历:
2012.7-2014.7: 广东工业大学机电学院博士后
2014.7-2018.12 :广东工业大学机电学院讲师
2019.1- 至今: 广东工业大学机电学院副教授
4. 承担项目:
1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,化学溶液沉积在单晶硅基底上外延生长立方结构AlN薄膜的界面结构控制及其导热性能研究,2017/01—2019/12, 主持。
2) 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,化学溶液沉积在Si(100)衬底上制备立方AlN压电薄膜及其生长特性研究, 2014/10-2017/10,主持。
5. 主要成果
[1] Yanling Cheng, Kexu Li, Shihong Wei, Xiong Huang, Sidney Lin, Huatay Lin. Reaction mechanism of aluminum nitride powders synthesized from dicyandiamide and its optical property. Materials Chemistry and Physics 253 (2020) 123376
[2] Yanling Cheng, Xiong Huang, Xiuan Xi, Huatay Lin. The effect of the urea content on the properties of nano-size AlN powders synthesized by a wet chemical method. Ceramics International, 2018, 44:5774–5779.
[3] Haidong Wu, Yanling Cheng , WeiLiu,et al. Effect of the particle size and the debinding process on the density of alumina ceramics fabricated by 3D printing based on stereolithography. Ceramics International, 2016, 42:17290-17294 .
[4] Yanling Cheng, Hongli Suo, Zili Zhang et al. The precursor manipulation of the La2Zr2O7 epilayers annealed by the rapid thermal annealing. Crystengcomn. 2014,16(38):8954-8959.
[5] Y. Cheng,H. Suo,M. Gao,et al. Characterization of MOD-derived La2Zr2O7 epi-layers on textured Ni5W substrates by electron backscattered diffraction,Acta Materialia,2011 (59):2823-2830.
[6] Fu Junyu,Wu Shanghua,Cheng Yanling,et al. Effect of composite sintering aids on the thermal and mechanical properties of hot-pressed aluminum nitride,8th International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics, CICC 2013,561-564,Chongqing, China,2013.11.4-2013.11.7
1. 伍尚华,付君宇,程艳玲,付常露,邬若军,卢忠勇。一种颗粒弥散增韧氮化铝陶瓷基板及其制备方法。中国,专利号:ZL 201310531348.9
2. 程艳玲,黄雄,林华泰。一种纳米氮化铝粉体及其制备方法和应用。中国,专利号:
ZL 201710428364.3.
3. 程艳玲,黎可旭,杨盛凯,张海南,魏世宏,林华泰。一种立方氮化铝薄膜及其制备方法和应用。中国,专利号:ZL 20191 0798194.7. 授权日期:2021.11.19
4. 程艳玲,黎可旭,杨盛凯,张海南,魏世宏,林华泰。一种硼酸锂晶须及其制备方法和应用。中国,申请号:ZL 201910798179.2, 授权日期:2021.12.13
5. 程艳玲,黄豪贤,杨盛凯,雷骏,习鑫鑫等;一种聚硅氮烷连接碳化硅的方法.发明申请号: 202110872945.2.
6. 程艳玲,习鑫鑫,黄豪贤,雷骏等;一种正八面体α-Al2O3的制备方法.发明申请号: 202210347627.9.
7. 程艳玲,杨盛凯,黎可旭,雷骏等;一种聚硅氮烷陶瓷前驱体连接碳化硅陶瓷的方法.发明申请号: 202010235086.6