姓名(加全拼):陈贡发 Chen Gongfa
科研方向:桥梁结构健康监测; 人工智能在土木工程中的应用;智慧工地管理;计算结构动力学
自2013年被聘为广东工业大学“百人计划”特聘教授以来,共主持两项国家级大型科研项目、一项省级科研项目和多项工业研发项目。长期从事结构健康检测,结构动力分析,和人工智能在土木工程中的应用。自2013年以来,发表研究论文50多篇,其中SCI收录40多篇。被评为广东工业大学第一届“德艺双馨”的研究生导师,所指导的博士生和硕士生中有多人获得国家奖学金。在2023年的"第五届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛"全国总决赛中,我的研究生组建的团队,有两个获二等奖("测坡宝"和"桥索神探")。这也是我们学校仅有的 2 支获奖队伍。
1996.04-2000.12澳大利亚昆士兰大学 (University of Queensland, Australia) 土木工程系结构工程专业,博士
2001年起在澳大利亚南昆士兰大学(University of Southern Queensland, Australia) 工程和测绘学院;
2003年起在日本建筑研究所 (Building Research Institute, Japan) ;
2004年至2010年在澳大利亚工业大 (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) 卫生和生物医学研究所;
Chen, G., X. Chen, L. Yang, Z. Han and D. Bassir (2023). "An Inversion Algorithm for the Dynamic Modulus of Concrete Pavement Structures Based on a Convolutional Neural Network." Applied Sciences 13(2): 1192.
Chen, G., X. Kang, M. Lin, S. Teng and Z. Liu (2023). "Stability Prediction of Soil Slopes Based on Digital Twinning and Deep Learning." Applied Sciences 13(11): 6470.
Chen, G., Q. Liang, W. Zhong, X. Gao and F. Cui (2020). "Homography-based measurement of bridge vibration using UAV and DIC method." Measurement 170(2).
Chen, G., S. Teng, M. Lin, X. Yang and X. Sun (2022). "Crack Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Deep Learning." KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 26(4): 1803-1816.
Chen, G., Z. Wu, C. Gong, J. Zhang and X. Sun (2021). "DIC-Based Operational Modal undefinedysis of Bridges." Advances in Civil Engineering 2021(ID 6694790): 6694790.
Fu, Y., M. Lin, Y. Zhang, G. Chen and Y. Liu (2022). "Slope stability analysis based on big data and convolutional neural network." Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 16(7): 882-895.
Gao, X., C. Huang, S. Teng and G. Chen (2022). "A Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Anomaly Crack Detection." Applied Sciences-Basel 12(18).
He, Y., Z. Jin, J. Zhang, S. Teng, G. Chen, X. Sun and F. Cui (2022). "Pavement Surface Defect Detection Using Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning." Applied Sciences-Basel 12(15): 7364.
Jin, Z., S. Teng, J. Zhang, G. Chen and F. Cui (2022). "Structural Damage Recognition Based on Filtered Feature Selection and Convolutional Neural Network." International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 22(12): 2250134.
Lin, M., S. Teng, G. Chen and D. Bassir (2023). "Transfer Learning with Attributes for Improving the Landslide Spatial Prediction Performance in Sample-Scarce Area Based on Variational Autoencoder Generative Adversarial Network." Land 12(3): 525.
Lin, M., S. Teng, G. Chen and B. Hu (2023). "Application of convolutional neural networks based on Bayesian optimization to landslide susceptibility mapping of transmission tower foundation." Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 82(2): 51.
Lin, M., S. Teng, G. Chen, J. Lv and Z. Hao (2022). "Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images." Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 16(4): 414-433.
Liu, L., M. Lin, Z. Du, J. Liu, G. Chen and J. Du (2023). "Developing a CNN-based, block-scale oriented Local Climate Zone mapping approach: A case study in Guangzhou." Building and Environment 240: 110414.
Liu, Z., S. Teng, G. Chen, L. Wu, J. Yang, F. Cui and P. Ho (2021). "A systematic approach to further improve stent-graft performance." Materials & Design 211: 110144.
Teng, S., G. Chen, P. Gong, G. Liu and F. Cui (2020). "Structural damage detection using convolutional neural networks combining strain energy and dynamic response." Meccanica 55(4): 945-959.
Teng, S., G. Chen, G. Liu, J. Lv and F. Cui (2019). "Modal Strain Energy-Based Structural Damage Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks." Applied Sciences-Basel 9(16): 3376.
Teng, S., G. Chen, Z. Liu, L. Cheng and X. Sun (2021). "Multi-Sensor and Decision-Level Fusion-Based Structural Damage Detection Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network." Sensors 21(12): 3950.
Teng, S., G. Chen, S. Wang, J. Zhang and X. Sun (2022). "Digital image correlation-based structural state detection through deep learning." Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 16(1): 45-56.
Teng, S., G. Chen, Z. Yan, L. Cheng and D. Bassir (2022). "Vibration-based structural damage detection using 1-D convolutional neural network and transfer learning." Structural Health Monitoring 22(4):147592172211379.
Teng, S., X. Chen, G. Chen and L. Cheng (2023). "Structural damage detection based on transfer learning strategy using digital twins of bridges." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 191: 110160.
Teng, S., X. Chen, G. Chen, L. Cheng and D. Bassir (2022). "Structural damage detection based on convolutional neural networks and population of bridges." Measurement 202: 111747.
Teng, S., Z. Liu, G. Chen and L. Cheng (2021). "Concrete Crack Detection Based on Well-Known Feature Extractor Model and the YOLO_v2 Network." Applied Sciences-Basel 11(2): 813.
Teng, Z., S. Teng, J. Zhang, G. Chen and F. Cui (2020). "Structural Damage Detection Based on Real-Time Vibration Signal and Convolutional Neural Network." Applied Sciences 10(14): 4720.
Wang, S., Z. Fang, G. Chen, H. Jiang and S. Teng (2021). "Numerical undefinedysis on Shear Behavior of Grouped Head Stud Shear Connectors between Steel Girders and Precast Concrete Slabs with High-Strength Concrete-Filled Shear Pockets." Journal of Bridge Engineering 26(6): 04021030.
Wu, Z., G. Chen, Q. Ding, B. Yuan and X. Yang (2021). "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction-Based Vibration Measurement of Bridge Model Using UAVs." Applied Sciences 11(11): 5111.
Yan, Z., Z. Jin, S. Teng, G. Chen and D. Bassir (2022). "Measurement of Bridge Vibration by UAVs Combined with CNN and KLT Optical-Flow Method." Applied Sciences-Basel 12(10): 5181.
Yan, Z., S. Teng, W. Luo, D. Bassir and G. Chen (2022). "Bridge Modal Parameter Identification from UAV Measurement Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Fourier Transform." Applied Sciences-Basel 12(17): 8689.
Yang, X., Y. Chen, S. Teng and G. Chen (2021). "A Novel Method for Predicting Local Site Amplification Factors Using 1-D Convolutional Neural Networks." Applied Sciences-Basel 11(24): 11650.
Zhang, J., Z. Jin, S. Teng, G. Chen and D. Bassir (2022). "Structural damage detection based on decision-level fusion with multi-vibration signals." Measurement Science and Technology 33(10): 105112.
Zhang, J., Z. Jin, S. Teng, G. Chen and F. Cui (2023). "Structural Damage Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Modal Strain Energy and Population of Structures." International Journal of Computational Methods 20(3): 2230001.
Zhang, J., Z. Teng, X. Xu, G. Chen and D. Bassir (2021). "Sensitivity undefinedyses of Structural Damage Indicators and Experimental Validations." Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 7(2): 798-810.
Zhang, J., Z. Wu, G. Chen and Q. Liang (2021). "Comparisons of Differential Filtering and Homography Transformation in Modal Parameter Identification from UAV Measurement." Sensors 21(16): 5664.
Zhang, J., J. Zhang, S. Teng, G. Chen and Z. Teng (2022). "Structural Damage Detection Based on Vibration Signal Fusion and Deep Learning." Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies.
Zhong, K., S. Teng, G. Liu, G. Chen and F. Cui (2020). "Structural Damage Features Extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks from Mode Shapes." Applied Sciences-Basel 10(12): 4247.
Zhou, Q., Z. Situ, S. Teng and G. Chen (2021). "Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Model for Automated Sewer Defects Detection and Classification." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 147(7): 04021036.
Zhou, Q., Z. Situ, S. Teng, W. Chen, G. Chen and J. Su (2022). "Comparison of classic object-detection techniques for automated sewer defect detection." Journal of Hydroinformatics 24(2): 406-419.
Zhou, Q., Z. Situ, S. Teng, H. Liu, W. Chen and G. Chen (2022). "Automatic sewer defect detection and severity quantification based on pixel-level semantic segmentation." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 123.
Zhou, Q., S. Teng, Z. Situ, X. Liao, J. Feng, G. Chen, J. Zhang and Z. Lu (2023). "A deep-learning-technique-based data-driven model for accurate and rapid flood predictions in temporal and spatial dimensions." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27(9): 1791-1808.
陈贡发, 龚盼盼 (2018). 一种基于模态振型和卷积神经网络的结构损伤识别方法.
陈贡发, 林金燕, 罗丽燕, 梁鹏 (2018). 基于DIC技术的模态应变能损伤识别方法.
陈贡发, 罗丽燕, 林金燕, 梁鹏 (2018). 一种基于DIC技术的曲率模态损伤识别方法.
陈贡发, 罗丽燕, 林金燕, 梁鹏 (2018). 一种基于DIC技术的试验模态分析方法.
陈贡发, 腾帅 (2019). 一种基于多参数和卷积神经网络的结构损伤识别方法.
陈贡发, 张海柱 (2019). 一种基于无人机图像的结构损伤识别方法与系统.
陈贡发, 钟文韬 (2019). 一种基于无人机系统的桥梁结构位移测量方法.
[1] 基于数字孪生和迁移学习的结构损伤检测方法研究(广东省科技计划国际科技合作项目, 50万,2023~2026),主持;
[2] 基于无人机和人工智能的索力测量方法研究(工业项目, 35万, 2024~2026),主持;
[3] 道路工程地下病害智能识别与评价(工业项目, 20万, 2021~2023),主持。