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1. 个人简介

雷君君,湖南衡阳人,中南大学学士,英国南安普顿大学博士、Doctoral Prize Research Fellow(于2015年获英国EPSRC Doctoral Prize),广东工业大学副教授、硕士生导师。目前主要从事声流体理论、超声微流控等领域的研究;近年在LoCPRAppl.APL等国际学术期刊上发表了SCI论文20余篇,其中最高单篇被引140余次;主持国家自然科学基金(青年)、广东省自然科学基金(青年提升、面上)、广州市基础与应用基础研究项目等多项基金项目。担任LoCSNABMANOAPLPoFAMMIEEE TUFFCRSC Adv.RoSI等国际学术期刊的审稿人。



(1)       2018级硕士研究生程峰:获“2021年广东省优秀学生(研究生阶段)“2021年广东工业大学优秀毕业生“2020年研究生国家奖学金

(2)       2020级硕士研究生刘国添:获“2021年研究生国家奖学金入选“2021年广东工业大学研究生卓越应用型人才培养计划

(3)       2021级硕士研究生郑高堃连续三年获“学业一等奖学金”、获“2024年广东工业大学优秀毕业生




2. 教育背景




3. 工作经历


2016/01-2017/01University of SouthamptonFaculty of Engineering and the EnvironmentDoctoral Prize Research Fellow

4. 负责主要项目

[1].     广东省自然科学基金-青年提升项目,30万元,2024/01-2026/12,主持

[2].     广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,10万元,2021/01-2023/12,主持

[3].     广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类),5万元,2021/04-2023/03,主持(已结题)

[4].     国家自然科学基金-青年项目,27万元,2019/01-2021/12,主持(已结题)

[5].     广东工业大学机电工程学院种子基金10万元,2019/01-2019/12,主持(已结题)

[6].     广东工业大学青年百人科研启动基金,20万元,2017/06-2022/06,主持(已结题)

[7].     EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship3.5万英镑,2016/01-2017/01,主持(已结题)


[1].       Junjun Lei*, Gaokun Zheng, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li, and Zhigang Huang, Acoustofluidics in an equilateral triangular channel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 151, 111088, 2024. PDF

[2].       Junjun Lei*, Gaokun Zheng, Feng Cheng, and Kemin Li, Rapid sedimentation of microparticles by vertically asymmetric acoustofluidics in an equilateral triangular channel, Applied Physics Letters, 122 (20), 204102, 2023. PDF

[3].       Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Gaokun Zheng, and Li Lin, Microfluidic Ultrasonic Shaker, Physical Review Applied, 18, 054013, 2022. PDF

[4].       Junjun Lei*, Gaokun Zheng, Zhen Yao and Zhigang Huang, Outer Acoustic Streaming Flow Driven by Asymmetric Acoustic Resonances, Micromachines, 13(1), 65, 2022. PDF

[5].       Qin Lin, Feiyan Cai*, Junjun Lei, Qing-ying Luo, Fei Li, Jiaqian Wang, Xiangxiang Xia, Jinping Wang, Junhao Li and Hairong Zheng*, Numerical study of enhanced Rayleigh streaming in resonant cylindrical shells, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 31, 1004005, 2021. PDF

[6].       Guotian Liu, Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li, Xuanrong Ji, Zhigang Huang and Zhongning Guo, Ultrasonic Particle Manipulation in Glass Capillaries: A Concise Review, Micromachines, 12(8), 876, 2021. PDF

[7].       Zhigang Huang, Luming Ge, Weixun Wei, Yu Deng, and Junjun Lei*, Multiphase lattice Boltzmann modeling of dielectrophoresis fractionation of soft particles, Physics of Fluids, 33, 063311, 2021. PDF

[8].       Guannan Yang, Wei Lin, Haiqi Lai, Jin Tong, Junjun Lei, Maodan Yuan, Yu Zhang* and Chengqiang Cui*, Understanding the relationship between particle size and ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis of metal nanoparticles, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 73, 105497, 2021. PDF

[9].       Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li, Guotian Liu, Yongjun Zhang, Zhongning Guo and Yongkang Zhang, Simultaneous imaging and manipulation of microparticles in horizontal and vertical planes of microchannels using a single objective lens, Applied Physics Letters, 117 (22), 224101, 2020. PDF

[10].    Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Guotian Liu, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Dexterous formation of unconventional Chladni patterns using standing bulk acoustic waves, Applied Physics Letters, 117 (18), 184101, 2020. PDF

[11].    Valerio Pereno, Junjun Lei, Dario Carugo and Eleanor Stride*, Microstreaming inside model cells induced by ultrasound and microbubbles, Langmuir, 36, 6388-6398, 2020. PDF

[12].    Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Numerical simulation of continuous separation of microparticles in two-stage acousto-microfluidic systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83, 342-356, 2020. PDF

[13].    Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng and Kemin Li, Numerical Simulation of Boundary-Driven Acoustic Streaming in Microfluidic Channels with Circular Cross-Sections, Micromachines, 11 (3), 240, 2020. PDF

[14].    Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Two-dimensional concentration of microparticles using bulk acousto-microfluidics, Applied Physics Letters, 116 (3), 033104, 2020. PDF

[15].    Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng and Zhongning Guo, Standard and inverse transducer-plane streaming patterns in resonant acoustofluidic devices: Experiments and simulations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77, 456-468, 2020. PDF

[16].    Fei Li, Xiangxiang Xia, Zhiting Deng, Junjun Lei, Yaxi Shen, Qin Lin, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Junru Wu, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Ultrafast Rayleigh-like streaming in a sub-wavelength slit between two phononic crystal plates, Journal of Applied Physics, 125 (13), 134903, 2019. PDF

[17].    Junjun Lei*, Martyn Hill, Carlos Ponce de León Albarrán and Peter Glynne-Jones*, Effects of micron scale surface profiles on acoustic streaming, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 22 (12), 140, 2018. PDF

[18].    Fei Li, Yang Xiao, Junjun Lei, Xiangxiang Xia, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Lili Niu, Junru Wu, Jiangyu Li, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Rapid acoustophoretic motion of microparticles manipulated by phononic crystals, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (17), 173503, 2018. PDF

[19].    Fei Li, Fei Yan, Zhiyi Chen, Junjun Lei, Jinsui Yu, Mian Chen, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Lili Niu, Junru Wu, Jiangyu Li, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Phononic crystal-enhanced near-boundary streaming for sonoporation, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (8), 083701, 2018. PDF

[20].    Junjun Lei*, Martyn Hill* and Peter Glynne-Jones*, Transducer-plane streaming patterns in thin-layer acoustofluidic devices, Physical Review Applied, 8 (1), 014018, 2017. PDF

[21].    Junjun Lei*, Formation of inverse Chladni patterns in liquids at microscale: roles of acoustic radiation and streaming-induced drag forces, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21 (3), 50, 2017. PDF

[22].    Junjun Lei*, Peter Glynne-Jones and Martyn Hill, Comparing methods for the modelling of boundary-driven streaming in acoustofluidic devices, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21 (2), 23, 2017. PDF

[23].    Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones and Martyn Hill*, Modal Rayleigh-like streaming in acoustofluidic devices, Physics of Fluids (1994-present), 28 (1), 012004, 2016. PDF

[24].    Junjun Lei, Martyn Hill* and Peter Glynne-Jones, Numerical simulation of 3D boundary-driven acoustic streaming in microfluidic devices, Lab on a Chip, 14 (3), 532, 2014. PDF

[25].    Dyan N Ankrett*, Dario Carugo, Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones, Paul A Townsend, Xunli Zhang and Martyn Hill, The effect of ultrasound-related stimuli on cell viability in microfluidic channels, Journal of nanobiotechnology, 11 (1), 20, 2013. PDF

[26].    Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones* and Martyn Hill, Acoustic streaming in the transducer plane in ultrasonic particle manipulation devices, Lab on a Chip, 13 (11), 2133, 2013. PDF

6. 主要会议论文/报告

[1].       Junjun Lei, Suppression of acoustic streaming and acoustophoretic tweezing of nanoparticles, 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Physics, Fluid Mechanics and Engineering (ICAMP 2024), Xiamen, China, 26–28 Apr 2024. (Invited Talk)

[2].       Junjun Lei, Acoustofluidics in symmetric and antisymmetric acoustic resonances, 2nd International Conference on Acoustics, Fluid Mechanics and Engineering (AFME 2023), Nanjing, China, 11–19 Nov 2023. (Invited Talk)

[3].       Junjun Lei, Acoustofluidics and acoustic tweezers, 8th International Conference on Mechanical Manufacturing Technology and Material Engineering (MMTME 2023), Changsha, China, 18–20 Aug 2023. (Invited Talk)

[4].       Junjun Lei, Acoustofluidics in nonrectangular channels and their applications in micro- and nanoparticle manipulations, 8th International Symposium on Sensor Science – China, Nanjing, China29–31 Mar 2023. (Invited Talk)

[5].       Junjun Lei et al., VARIATIONS OF ACOUSTIC RESONANCES IN CIRCULAR MICROFLUIDIC CHANNELS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.

[6].       Junjun Lei et al., DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF TWO-STAGE ACOUSTO-MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEMS FOR MICROPARTICLE SEPARATIONS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.

[7].       Junjun Lei et al., SIMULTANEOUS IMAGING OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL MICROPARTICLE ACOUSTOPHORESIS IN MICROCHANNELS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.

[8].       雷君君等,一种微观颗粒的二维超声聚集装置及其高效观测方法,全国声学大会,上海,2021.03.

[9].       雷君君等,超声微观颗粒聚集与分离数值模拟,全国声学大会,深圳,2019.09.

[10].    雷君君等,薄层声操控装置三维换能器平面声流模型,全国声学大会,北京,2018.11.

[11].    Junjun Lei et al., Observation of inverse transducer-plane streaming patterns, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan, 2018.07.

[12].    Junjun Lei et al., Modal Rayleigh-like streaming in layered acoustofluidic particle manipulation devices, International Congress on Ultrasonics/Acoustofluidics 2015, Metz, France, 2015.05.

[13].    Junjun Lei et al., Effects of surface profile on a boundary-driven acoustic streaming field, Acoustofluidics 2014, Prato, Italy, 2014.09.

[14].    Junjun Lei et al., Effects of surface profile on a boundary-driven acoustic streaming field, 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing, China, 2014.07.

[15].    Junjun Lei et al., Numerical simulation of 3D acoustophoretic motion of microparticles in an acoustofluidic device, Acoustofluidics 2013, Southampton, UK, 2013.09.

[16].    Junjun Lei et al., Acoustic streaming in the transducer plane in resonant manipulation devices, USWNet 2012, Lund, Sweden, 2012.09.

7. 主要发明专利

[1].       雷君君,郑高堃,程峰,一种利用声流体效应操控悬浮颗粒快速沉降的装置及方法(202310516133.3

[2].       雷君君,程峰,一种非接触式颗粒抖动装置和方法(CN202211329769.9

[3].       雷君君,程峰,一种显微镜下微流体通道y,z方向同时聚焦的观测方法,ZL202010700624.XCN202010700624.X)【已授权】

[4].       雷君君,程峰,一种微米颗粒二维聚集方法和聚集装置(CN202010075464.4

[5].       陈新,袁懋诞,谢勇健,纪轩荣,陈燕,雷君君Micro-LED衬底的阵列排列转移方法、转移装置、显示装置(CN201910594645.5)【已授权】

[6].       陈新,雷君君,程峰,纪轩荣,袁懋诞,陈燕,Micro-LED衬底的阵列排列转移方法、转移装置、显示装置(CN201910555823.3

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