姓名(加全拼):姜海波(Jiang Haibo)
长期从事桥梁与隧道工程专业的教学及科研工作,主要研究新型桥梁结构、新材料在桥梁工程中的应用和桥梁结构安全性评估及加固技术。该研究领域切合广东省经济发展的关键技术领域,解决桥梁工程迫切需要解决的问题,先后获得国家自然科学基金面上项目等纵向项目研究资助,并主持多项横向科研项目,研究经费充足。在本领域ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering、Engineering Structures和Construction and Building Materials等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文71篇(其中高被引论文6篇)。
2005.03至今 广东省广东工业大学土木与交通工程学院教授。
1. Zhuangcheng Fang, et al., Haibo Jiang. Grouped rubber-sleeved studs-UHPC pocket connections in prefabricated steel-UHPC composite beams: Shear performance under monotonic and cyclic loadings.Engineering Structures 305(2024) 117781. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.117781
2. Mingzhu Chen, Wouter De Corte, Haibo Jiang*, Luc Taerwe. 2.Experimental Study on Direct-Shear Behaviour of Narrow Joints in Socket Connections for Precast Pier-to-Pile Footing Systems. Structures. Structures. 2024, 61:106006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2024.106006.
3. Zhuangchen Fang, et al., Haibo Jiang. Shear performance and design recommendations of single embedded nut bolted shear connectors in prefabricated steel-UHPC composite beams. Steel and Composite Structures, 2023, 50(3):319-236. https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2024.50.3.319.
4. Jie Xiao, et al., Haibo Jiang*. Research on the bonding performance of BFRP bars with reactive powder concrete. Buildings, 13: 2083, https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13082083.
5. Haibo Jiang, Fan Mo, Zhiqin Chen, et al. Full-scale experimental study of shear and flexural behavior of 16-m retired reinforced concrete T-beams. Buildings, 13:2075. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13082075.
6. Fan Mo, Boxiang Li, Mingyi Li, Zhuangcheng Fang, Shu Fang, Haibo Jiang. Rapid-hardening and high-strength steel-fiber reinforced concrete: effects of curing ages and strain rates on compressive performance. Materials, 2023,
7. Fang Zhuangcheng, Zhang Shufeng, Wu Jinpeng, Ma Yuhong *, Fang Shu *, Zhao Guifeng, Jiang Haibo. Experimental and numerical study on shear performance of grouped bolt–UHPC pocket connections under static loading. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 76: 106966. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.105910
8. Zhuangcheng Fang, Haozhen Fang, Junxing Huang, Haibo Jiang* , Gongfa Chen. Static behavior of grouped stud shear connectors in steel–precast UHPC composite structures containing thin full-depth slabs, Engineering Structures 252(2022) 113484. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113484
9. Xiao J.; Huang H.; Zeng H.; Liu L.; Li L.; Jiang H.; Zhong Z. Experimental study on the sulfuric acid corrosion resistance of PHC used for pipe pile and NSC used in engineering. Buildings 2023.13.1596. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13071596.
10. Cao Z.; Jiang H. Experimental study on interfacial shear behavior of PBL shear connector deeply embedded in UHPC. Case studies in construction materials 2023,18. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.cscm.2023.e02192
11. Jie Xiao, Huanqiang Huang, Hehui Zeng, Lingfei Liu, Long Li, Haibo Jiang *, Zucai Zhong, Anyang Chen. Experimental study on sulfuric acid corrosion resistance of concrete for PHC pipe pile and two kinds of concrete commonly used in engineering. Buildings 2023.
12. Li, P.; Cheng, Q.; Chen N.; Tan Y.; Fang J.; Jiang H. Experimental study on shear behavior of non-stirrup ultra-high performance concrete beams. Materials 2023. 16. 4177. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16114177
13. Cheng, Q.; Li, Z.; Deng, S.; Jiang, H.; Tian, Y.; Geng, J. Full-Scale Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of the New Precast UHPC Diaphragm Slab in Utility Tunnels. Buildings 2023, 13, 1349. https://doi.org/10.3390/ buildings13051349
14. Haibo Jiang, Chengwang Huang, Gongyong Mei, Xingjun Gao*, Yueqiang Tian. 2023 “Experimental and numerical investigations on direct shear performance of UHPC dry joints”[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 283: 115872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.115872.
15. Jiang, H.B., H.Z. Fang, J.P. Wu, et al. 2022 “Push-out test on demountable high-strength friction-grip bolt shear connectors in steel-precast UHPC composite beams for accelerated bridge construction.” Steel and composite Structures. 45(6):797-818. http://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2022.45.6.797.
16. Fang, S., S.F. Zhang, Z.P. Cao, et al. 2023 “Effects of stud aspect ratio and cover thickness on push-out performance of thin full-depth precast UHPC slabs with grouped short studs: Experimental evaluation and design considerations”. Journal of Building Engineering.67: 105910. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.105910.
17. Fang , Z.C., L.K. Hu, H.B. Jiang, et al. 2023 “Shear performance of high-strength friction-grip bolted shear connector in prefabricated steel–UHPC composite beams: Finite element modelling and parametric study”. Case Studies in Construction Materials. 18:e01860. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2023.e01860.
18. Feng, J. H., P. S. Li, J. P. Li, H. B. Jiang, Y. Q. Tian. 2023. “Shear behavior of externally prestressed UHPC beams without stirrups.” Case Studies in Construction Materials. 18:e01766. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01766.
19. Jiang, H. B., Z. B. HU, Z. P. Cao, X. J. Gao, Y. Q. Tian. 2022. “Experimental and numerical study on shear performance of externally prestressed precast UHPC beams without stirrups.” Structures. 46:1134-1153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.10.092.
20. Jiang, H. B., J. H. Li, Q. Cheng, J. Xie, Z. K. Chen. 2022. “Axial behavior of RC column strengthened with SM-CFST.” Steel and Composite Structures. 43(6):773-784. https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2022. 43.6.773.
21. Fang, H. Z., M. E. Gu, S. F. Zhang, H. B. Jiang, Z. C. Fang. 2022. “Effect of steel fiber and specimen geometric dimensions on the mechanical properties of ultra high performance concrete.” Materials. 15:3027. https://doi.org/10.3390/mal15093027.
22. Fang, Z. C., H. Z. Fang, P. J. Li, H. B. Jiang, G. F. Chen. 2022. “Interfacial shear and flexural performance of steel-precast UHPC composite beams: Full-depth slabs with studs vs. demountable slabs with bolts.”Engineering Structures. 260:114230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114230.
23. Wang, S. D., Z. C. Fang, Y. H. Ma, H. B. Jiang, G. F. Zhao. 2022. “Parametric investigations on shear behavior of perforated transverse angle connectors in steel-concrete composite bridges.” Structures. 38:416-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.01.015.
24. Jie Xiao ,Zhenming Xu, YikangMurong, Lei Wang, Bin Lei, Lijing Chu, Haibo Jiang*, Wenjun Qu. Effect of chemical composition of fine aggregate on the frictional behavior of concrete-soil interface under sulfuric acid environment[J] fractal and fractional, 2022, 6(1), 22 https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract6010022
25. Jiang, H. B., Z. B. Hu, J. H. Feng, T. L. Wang, Z. M. Xu. 2022. “Flexural behavior of UHPC-filled longitudinal connections with non-contacting lap-spliced reinforcements for narrow joint width.”Structures. 39:620-636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.struc.2022.03.017.
26. Hu, Z. B., Z. M. Xu, S. F. Zhang, H. B. Jiang, Y. H. Chen, J. Xiao. 2022. “Experimental study on shear behavior of precast high-strength concrete segmental beams with external tendons and dry joints.” Buildings. 12:12020134. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12020134.
27. Jiang, H. B., Q. Cao, R. B. Wang, Y. Qu, D. H. Li. 2021. “Effect of two admixtures on the axial compression of concrete-filled fibre glass tubes.” Structures and Buildings. 174(11):943-948. https://doi.org/10.1680/jstbu.18.00139
28. Fang Z. C., Fang H. Z., Huang J. X., Jiang H. B., and Chen G. F. 2021. “Static behavior of grouped stud shear connectors in steel-precast UHPC composite structures containing thin full-depth slabs. ” Engineering Structures. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113484.
29. Jiang, H. B., C. W. Huang, J. H. Feng, X. J. Gao, T. L. Wang, and Z. C. Zhong. 2021. “Direct shear behavior of castellated dry RPC joints in precast concrete segmental bridges.” Structures. 33: 4579-4595. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.07.013.
30. Fang, Z. C., W. B. Liang, H. Z. Fang, H. B. Jiang, and S. D. Wang.2021. “Experimental investigation on shear behavior of high-strength friction-grip bolt shear connectors in steel-precast UHPC composite structures subjected to static loading.” Engineering Structures. 244: 112777. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112777.
31. Feng, J. H., Z. B. Hu, H. B. Jiang, J. H. Hu, and Y. T. Qiu. 2021. “Influence of RPC grouting materials on shear behavior of wet joints in PCSBs with confining stress.” Construction and Building Materials. 299: 123993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123993
32. Jiang, H. B., H. Z. Fang, J. Liu, Z. C. Fang, and J. F. Zhang. 2021. “Experimental investigation on shear performance of transverse angle shear connectors.” Structures. 33:2050-2060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2021.05.071.
33. Wang, S. D., Z. C. Fang, G. F. Chen, H. B. Jiang, and S. Teng. 2021. “Numerical analysis on shear behavior of grouped head stud shear connectors between steel girders and precast concrete slabs with high-strength concrete-filled shear pockets.” Journal of Bridge Engineering. 26(6): 04021030. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001727.
34. Jiang, H. B., T. F. Shao, Z. C. Fang, J. Xiao, and Z. B. Hu. 2021. “Shear-friction behavior of grooved construction joints between a precast UHPC girder and a cast-in-place concrete slab.” Engineering Structures. 228: 111610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.111610.
35. Fang, Z. C., H. B. Jiang, J. Xiao, X. T. Dong, and T. F. Shao. 2021. “Shear performance of UHPC-filled pocket connection between precast UHPC girders and full-depth precast concrete slabs.” Structures. 29: 238-338. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2020.11.038.
36. Jiang, H. B., X. T. Dong, Z. C. Fang, J. Xiao, and Y. Chen. 2021. “Experimental study on shear behavior of a UHPC connection between adjacent precast prestressed concrete voided beams.” Journal of Bridge Engineering. 25(12):04020106. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001644.
37. Xiao J , Xiang Long, Ming Ye, Haibo Jiang*, Lingfei Liu and KeyiZhai. Experimental Study of Bond Behavior Between Rebar and PVA-Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC) Using Pull-Out Tests[J]. Frontiers in Materials, 2021, 8:633404. (SCI检索,中科院三区,影响影子3.515)https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2021.633404
38. Jie Xiao,Xiang Long, Wenjun Qu, Long Li, Haibo Jiang*, ZucaiZhong. Influence of sulfuric acid corrosion on concrete stress-strain relationship under uniaxial compression[J] measurement 187 (2022) 110318(SCI检索,中科院二区,影响影子3.927)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.110318
39. Jie Xiao , Xiang Long, Ming Ye, Haibo Jiang*, Lingfei Liu, Fan Mo, Dejun Deng and Zikang Huang. Bond-slip law between steel bar and different cement-based materials considering anchorage position function[J]. Frontiers in Materials, 2021, 8:801452. (SCI检索,中科院三区,影响影子3.515)https://doi.org/10.3389/fmats.2021.801452
40. Jie Xiao; Xiang Long; Long Li; Haibo Jiang*; Yaowen Zhang; Wenjun Qu. Study on the Influence of Three Factors on Mass Loss and Surface Fractal Dimension of Concrete in Sulfuric Acid Environments[J] fractal and fractional,2021, 5(4), 146(SCI检索,中科院一区,影响影子3.313)https://doi.org/10.3390/fractalfract5040146
41. Jiang, H. B., J. H. Feng, J. Xiao, M. Z. Chen, and W. B. Liang. 2020. “Shear strength of match-cast-free dry joint in precast girders”. Computers and Concrete. 26(2):161-173. https://doi.org/10.12989/cac.2020.26.2.161.
42. Jiang, H. B., M. Z. Chen, Z. J. Sha, J. Xiao, and J. H. Feng. 2020. “Numeric analysis on shear behavior of high-strength concrete single-keyed dry joints with fixing imperfections in precast concrete segmental bridges.” Materials. 13: 2914. https//doi.org/10.3390/ma13132914.
43. Fang, Z. C., H. B. Jiang, G. F. Chen, X. T. Dong, and T. F. Shao. 2020. “Behavior of grouped stud shear connectors between precast high-strength concrete slabs and steel beams.” Steel and Composite Structures. 34(6):837-851. https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2020.34.6.837.
44. Jiang H, Chao Q, Wang R, Qu Y, Li D. Effects of two admixtures on the axial compression of concrete-filled GFRP tubes. Structures and Buildings. 2020. https//doi.org/10.1680/jstbu.18.00139
45. Feng J, Liang W, Jiang H (Corresponding Author), Huang C, Zhang J. Shear performance of single-keyed dry joints between ultra-high strength concrete and high strength concrete in push-off test. Science Progress, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/0036850420928643.
46. Fang Z, Jiang H (Corresponding Author), Chen G, Dong X, Shao T. Behavior of grouped stud shear connectors between precast high-strength concrete slabs and steel beams. Steel and Composite Structures, 2020. https://doi.org/10.12989/scs.2020.34.6.837
47. Xiao J , Qu W* , Jiang H , et al. Three-Dimensional Fractal Characterization of Concrete Surface Subjected to Sulfuric Acid Attacks[J]. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2020, 39(3). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10921-020-00689-y
48. Jiang H, Li Y, et al. Experimental Study on Shear Behavior of Precast Concrete Segmental Beams with Hybrid Tendons and Dry Joints. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(10): 4354-4367 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-019-1229-1
49. Jiang H, Feng J, et al. Effect of specimen thickness and coarse aggregate size on shear strength of single-keyed dry joints in PCSBs. Structural Concrete, 2019, 20: 955-970 https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.201800054
50. Fang Z, Jiang H (Corresponding Author), et al. Shear-friction behavior on smooth interface between high-strength and lightweight concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2019, 72(2). https://doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.17.00393
51. Chen G, Fang Z, Wang S, Jiang H, Liang H. Numerical undefinedysis on Shear Behavior of Joints under Low Confining and Eccentric Loads. ADV CIV ENG. 2019;2019:1-16. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4589824
52. Jiang H, Wang S, Fang Z, Chen G, Li J. Numerical analysis on the shear behavior of single-keyed dry joints in precast high-strength concrete segmental bridges. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(4):3144-68. https://doi.org/10.3934/mbe.2019156
53. Chen, G. F., Fang Z. C., Wang S. D., Jiang H. B., Liang H. L. 2019. “Numerical undefinedysis on Shear Behavior of Joints under Low confining and Eccentric Loads.” Advance in Civil Engineering. 2019: 4589824. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4589824.
54. Fang Z, Jiang H, Liu A, Feng J, Chen Y. Horizontal Shear Behaviors of Normal Weight and Lightweight Concrete Composite T-Beams. INT J CONCR STRUCT M. 2018;12(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40069-018-0274-3
55. Jiang H, Li Y, Liu A, Ma ZJ, Chen L, Chen Y. Shear Behavior of Precast Concrete Segmental Beams with External Tendons. J BRIDGE ENG. 2018;23(8). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001249
56. Fang Z, Jiang H, Liu A, Feng J, Li Y. Shear-friction behavior on smooth interface between high-strength and lightweight concrete. MAG CONCRETE RES. 2018:1-62. https://doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.17.00393
57. Cao Q, Jiang H, Wu Z, Ma ZJ. Experimental investigation on long term flexural performance of expansive concrete beams eccentrically reinforced by CFRP. COMPOS STRUCT. 2017;163:101-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.11.067
58. Guan M, Du H, Cui J, Feng W, Jiang H. Correlation of a new index with energy-based damage indices. P I CIVIL ENG-STR B. 2017;170(1):51-66. https://doi.org/10.1680/jstbu.14.00104
59. Cao Q, Jiang H, Ma ZJ, Wang X. Effect of cabon fiber-reinforced polymer layout on mechanical properties of expansive concrete beams. J REINF PLAST COMP. 2016;35(5):387-97. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731684415619028
60. Cao Q, Jiang H, Wei R, Deng Y. Shear behavior of anchor blocks in externally prestressed concrete bridges. P I CIVIL ENG-STR B. 2016;169(9):657-68. https://doi.org/10.1680/jstbu.15.00050
61. Guan M, Du H, Cui J, Zeng Q, Jiang H. Adjustment of minimum seismic shear coefficient considering site effects for long-period structures. J GEOPHYS ENG. 2016;13(3):304-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-2132/13/3/304
62. Jiang H, Cao Q, Liu A, Wang T, Qiu Y. Flexural behavior of precast concrete segmental beams with hybrid tendons and dry joints. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2016;110:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.003
63. Jiang H, Chen Y, Liu A, Wang T, Fang Z. Effect of high-strength concrete on shear behavior of dry joints in precast concrete segmental bridges. STEEL COMPOS STRUCT. 2016;22(5):1019-38. https://doi.org/10.1016/10.12989/scs.2016.22.5.1019
64. Jiang H, Fang Z, Liu A, Li Y, Feng J. Interface shear behavior between high-strength precast girders and lightweight cast-in-place slabs. CONSTR BUILD MATER. 2016;128:449-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.10.088
65. Jiang H, Fang Z, Ma ZJ, Fang X, Jiang Z. Shear-Friction Behavior of Groove Interface in Concrete Bridge Rehabilitation. J BRIDGE ENG. 2016;21(11). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000953
66. Jiang H, Wei R, Ma ZJ, Li Y, Jing Y. Shear Strength of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Dry Joints in Precast Segmental Bridges. J BRIDGE ENG. 2016;21(11). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000968
67. Cao Q, Jiang H, Wang H. Shear Behavior of Corrugated Steel Webs in H Shape Bridge Girders. MATH PROBL ENG. 2015. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/796786
68. Guan M, Du H, Cui J, Zeng Q, Jiang H. Optimal ground motion intensity measure for long-period structures. MEAS SCI TECHNOL. 2015;26(10). https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/26/10/105001
69. Jiang H, Chen L, Ma ZJ, Feng W. Shear Behavior of Dry Joints with Castellated Keys in Precast Concrete Segmental Bridges. J BRIDGE ENG. 2015;20(2). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000649
70. Jiang H, He A, Huang F, Yang L, Zou L. Stress undefinedysis on Steel Anchor Block of External Prestressing Concrete Bridges. Advanced Science Letters. 2011;4(8-10):2600-4. https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2011.1718
71. Zou JH, Feng WX, Jiang HB. Dynamic response of an embedded railway track subjected to a moving load. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2011;13(3):544-51.
6、广州市交通设计研究院有限公司横向服务项目(21HK0339), UHPC材料应用于混凝土桥面加固及旧混凝土梁承载机理的关键技术研究